Chapter ~9~

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[A/N] hai. Lol. Torturing Percy is kinda fun........ Wow.... I never expected me to say that... Hehehe..... Oh well. Let's get to torturing Percy- I mean, The Story XD let's get to the story..... Ya that's what I said XD

Chapter ~9~ Percy's POV~

I was in a dark room, chained to a wall, unable to move. I then saw a light turn on and I saw in the middle of the room Annabeth chained to a wooden pole, that was around the thickness of a telephone pole.

"Annabeth!!" I called out when I saw her. Her head was lolled to the side, and I couldn't see any sign of her being Alive.

"Annabeth!!!" I called again, yet more frantically, tugging and pulling with all my might against the chains, but to no avail. I heard a dark laughing echoing through the dark void that surrounded me.

"Don't worry Perseus. Your precious Annabeth will be fine. For now. " the voice said, saying my name as if it where some awful disease.

"What. Have. You done to her?" I asked deathly calm, trying to slow my own heart rate.

"Ha. She'll live. But you will have to play MY game to get her back. " the voice said, echoing through the dark.

"What do you want me to do?" I said silently.

"You'll know when the times right. " the voice said, it started to fade near the end though. Annabeth started to slowly disappear. I desperately called her name.

But then I woke up. Sweat drenched my face and I saw the Avengers looking down at me worriedly. I ran my hands through my hair and down my face, taking deep breaths, trying to ignore the looks that they gave me.

"Are you ok?" Tony asked, concern lacing his voice.

"Y-Ya... I'm... I'm fine. " I tried to convince them, and myself. I wasn't really sure if I was ok, but they seemed to be semi satisfied with my answer and filed out of my room, some of them glancing back at me.

Once they all had left I leaned back against the head board of my bed and looked up at the ceiling. Who ever had taken Annabeth wanted me for something. And if they had Annabeth, the would probably have my mom to. I just needed to find out whoever it was, find them, them rescue mom and Annabeth, sending the monster who had done this back to Tartarus where he belongs. Easy enough, right?

Well, first I actually needed to know who the Hades captured them. I closed my eyes tightly, thinking as hard as I could, but I just couldn't come up with anything. I sat up pulling my knees up to my chest and wrapping my arms around my legs, resting my chin on my knees. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

I needed to find the answers. I needed to find them. I just had to.


Everyone of the Avengers, minus Bruce, who was working on something's in his lab, sat around the dinning room table eating breakfast. Which was pretty much pop-tarts and cereal.

They sat in an awkward silence wandering what Percy's dream had been the other night. They knew it must've been some sort of nightmare, due to the screams and shouts they had heard in the middle of the night. They had mostly been calls for Annabeth. From the story's he had told them, they where really close. And also about hearing of her being kidnapped....

They wandered what had happened in Tartarus. Percy had clearly avoided the subject. They heard a door open from the hallway and saw a tired looking Percy walking out and into the dinning room, grabbing a bag of blueberry pop-tarts and sitting down, slowly opening the bag and pulling one of the pop-tarts out.

"Morning Percy!" Tony said breaking the awkward silence. "how'd ya sleep?"

"Not to good. " Percy mumbled, silently. He didn't look like he had gotten much sleep, if not any.

"want to spar or something in the gym?" Tony said, trying to lighten the kids mood.

"No. " Percy said glumly taking a bite of his pop-tart. Tony looked at the others, wandering if someone could help him out.

"Want to play some Xbox?" Tony tried again.

"No. " Percy replied again, focusing mostly on his pop-tart.

After that Tony decided to quit. The kid just didn't seem to be cheer-up-able. After Percy finished his pop-tart he stood up and went right to his room without another word. The Avengers all shared some looks. Everyone mentally asking the same question:

What was wrong with Percy?


I wasn't exactly feeling to well.

After breakfast I went straight to my room without another word. I probably owed them an explanation, but I simply wasn't in the mood. Mostly because after the nightmare, I didn't get back to sleep. I had tossed and turned all night long, trying to get to sleep, but finally gave up. And I didn't want to IM anyone from camp because it was WAY to late, and I didn't want to bother anyone with any of my problems. I just had to keep it to myself. Like I had to do everyday after the War. The only one I actually could talk to- the only one who truly understood, was gone.

Practically wiped off from the face of the earth. She just disappeared. And someone was behind it. I wasn't sure who yet, but I knew once I find them, I swear I will rip there head from there body. Sure that sounds a little- ok a lot- violent, but they have it coming. I wasn't going to stop searching until I find her.

Even if I had to go around the world a million times, I would even go back to Tartarus if it meant getting her back.

Because so help me, I will get her back. And that's a fact.

I went over to the bedrooms window and looked out at the city below, she could be anywhere. And I was going to find her. I knew it. I wasn't sure where to start looking though. Maybe most hated enemies? Well, I also have to many to count. But top two would be Gaea and Kronos. But I wasn't sure either of them would be able to get me from where they where. Gaea being asleep, and Kronos being in Tartarus.

I heard a knock on my door, so I went over to it an opened the door. I saw Natasha standing there.

"Director Fury is here to see you. " she told me.

"Ugh... Ok.." I groaned. I didn't like that guy. Not to mention the name 'Fury' reminded me of some not-so-pleasent memories.

I followed the assassin to the elevator and she pressed one of the many buttons. We waited in silence for a second before the elevator dinged to a stop and we stepped out when the doors opened. We went into a room where a whole wall was made out of glass, over looking the city, and a nice matching glass table sitting in the middle of the large room with some leather chairs sitting around it.

Natasha left after we got in there and I took a seat in one of the chakra across from Fury. Fury leaned back in his chair, hands folded and his one eye watching my every move.

"We need to talk. " he said looking at me. "About who you REALLY are. "

[A/N] :D tada!!! I feel to tireeedddddddd. It's only like 10;33 PM though.. Strange. Lol. I'll probaby have to edit this later 'cause in so tired XD hahaha.....




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