Chapter ~17~

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[A/N] Muahahahahah!!! I felt so evil since the last two chapters ^.^ but, I could be worse... I mean, I could've killed Annabeth, but I've gotten threats about tht.... Couldve killed Sally or Paul... Nah, there just in the hospital for a while... Maybe I should stop ranting in the A/N ^.^ ok so my fave comment('s) where:

this one is by @LilyAlyssa

O_o Wow. I just... I can't even... I'm done. IT'S TOO SUSPENSEFUL AND COOL!!! Though Thor needs new jammies

By: @SeaReader

The word of choice that I shall insert is (drumroll please)... PINEAPLES! The sentence is now "WHAT THE PINEAPPLES WAS THAT FOR?!"

And this ones by:@_Stop_and_Stare_

LOL I THINK I AM HAVING HEARTATTACK- *convulses on the ground, dies, and continued reading eagerly*

XD those comments where all awesome!!!! :D heres a shutout to you three!!! :D you are all awesome!! Your comments really mean a lot to me ^.^ go follow dem!! Ok this is a super long A/N.... Onto LE story!!!

Chapter ~17~ Percy's POV~

I cringed as I gently touched my rib cage.

It would take a whole to heal... But wait... Im a son of Poseidon!! I almost smacked myself right there and then, almost. I went out of the lab and straight to the pool level. My personal favorite place to be.

My thoughts still wandered to Annabeth, and how I had failed miserably.

Once I reached the pool I immediately jumped in, feeling immense relief wash over me. I let out a deep sigh in the water as I laid down on the bottom. I stared through the water looking at the world above me.

It looked like a portal, like the underwater realm was entirely separated from everything else and I was in a whole different world, but if I where to go out of the water I'd find myself in another world. One where nothing went right, where Annabeth was gone. Possibly being tortured and I was helpless to do anything about it. And I didn't have any clue as to where she was either.

I felt useless.

That word seemed to describe me perfectly at the time. Useless. I knew I was probably crying, but how would you cry underwater?

All I wanted to do was save Annabeth. But I didn't. And now here I was laying at the bottom of a pool, telling myself how useless I was.

So much for the great Percy Jackson.

Where could Calypso had taken her? The possible locations where endless... But maybe.. No.. How could Calypso have enough power for that? She couldn't.

But I had seen her powers myself.. She was easily able to throw me against the wall by simply moving her hand, and she could teleport with a snap of her fingers. Who knew what other powers she had?

There was a possibility she was able to... But if so, pretty much all hope of finding Annabeth was gone.. And that couldn't be true. It just couldn't.

There was no possible way I could get back there.. But maybe there was a way, but I just didn't know about it..

But of all places, why would Calypso even take Annabeth there?

But it was a chance. There was the slimmest possibility Annabeth could be there, and I had to take it. No matter what. But first, how would I even get back there?

'no man ever finds Ogygia twice. '

And I had already been there... I wasn't sure why I felt so strongly drawn to there. I just had a feeling in my gut that told me that's where I needed to go. And I didn't care who was in my way, I was going to find Annabeth and deal with Calypso and Loki, even if I had to do it myself.

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