Chapter ~27~

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[A/N] sorry for the late update D: life has been hectic.. Anywho, I wanna apologize in advance for whats gonna happen. Dont worry. I hate it to. The Wattpad app is still being a retard so I can't access comments D: oh!! An mega thanks to my Beta @niajanee !!! She's awesome :D anywho CHAPTA TIME!!!!

Chapter ~27~ Percy's POV~

I sprinted the Stark Towers.

To say I was worried, was an understatement. Anything could have happened. Anything. And it would be my fault. No. I couldn't let anything happen. I couldn't.

My heart pounded loudly in my chest, I felt like it was going to explode. I burst through the double doors at the bottom of the tower and ran to the elevator. The lady at the desk kept calling out to me, but it was to late because the doors closes behind me as I nearly punched the correct button in the elevator.

I anxiously waited. Jittering like crazy. Dam ADHD.

The elevator doors opened and I slipped out as soon as there was enough space. I looked around the kitchen and the living room. No one was here. I saw the great big window, that was in the living room was shattered. I stepped closer for a better sight. Blood. The floor was covered in glass shards and blood, staining the carpet.

There was a fight. And a nasty one at that. I saw bullet shells littering the floor, and then, off to my right, an all to familiar item. Cap's shield. I went over and knelt by it. Blood also running off it, a deep crimson color I had seen far to much in my short 18 years of life.

Blood. Wait... If there was a fight and someone was injured they would have brought them to the infirmary. Of course. How could I have not seen tht earlier? I ran back towards the elevator and punched the button, and it sent me to the floor that had the infirmary.

I ran out of the elevator, and went straight to the infirmary. I was shocked at what I saw. I saw Bruce, Clint and Natasha surrounding a bed. I had no idea where Annabeth Tony and Thor where though.

But Steve... Laying on the bed was Steve, a gaping hole in his chest, Bruce worked furiously to stop the immense bleeding but to no avail. My heart nearly stopped. Steve's face was an ashen color, and I didn't need Nico here to tell me they where to late and their efforts where in vain.

I stepped towards the table and no one seemed to notice me. All eyes where on the great captain America. The first Avenger, laying on his death bed.

"Steve..." I heard myself say.

"I-I'll see... P-Peggy..." he said weakly, his eyes wistful.

I saw the faintest smile cross his lips, then his eyes closed for the last time. Bruce stopped working, realizing the truth. Clint and Natasha stood in a sad silence.

Captain America, was dead.

It was my fault. All my fault. If I hadn't had left then I could've stopped this. Everything seemed to slow down. A small droplet of blood fell to the floor, as if in slow motion. Another death... A death of somehow who didn't deserve it, dead because of me.

Bianca, Leo, Jason and now Steve. The first Avenger. All because of me. Calypso was right. I deserved to die. What's the point? The longer I'm around, the more deaths it will cause. Deaths of innocent people.

I needed to take down Calypso and Loki. And the only thing that's changed, is that I don't care if I die doing so. Because afterwards, I'd be as good as a dead man. There is no more point to living anymore. I'd put Annabeth in danger, Mom, and Paul. And my baby sibling that was yet to be born.

All great Heroes never have a happy ending. And I accept my fate.


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