Chapter ~30~

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[A/N] final chapter, and then the epilogue.... D: I can't believe it. Nope. This isn't happening. Nope nope nope.

Chapter ~30~ Still 3rd Person POV~ Five Minutes Later~

Annabeth sobbed into Percy's shirt, her face buried into his chest, hands firmly gripping his shirt.

"Please don't leave me... Not like this...... Not after all we've been through.... Please.... Please...." she cried, her heart broken sobs only growing louder and louder.

All they had went through, their first quest to find the bolt, all the way to going through Tartarus and defeating Gaea, every moment she had spent with Percy, every second, was all she had left of him. Because there weren't going to be any new memory's. To think, not ten minutes ago, he had been alive, everything had been fine. And now, here he was, already growing cold, and dead. Dead on the cement as she cried over him.

Percy-her Percy- was gone. Forever.

Annabeth herd people approaching, yet didn't care. If it was Loki to finish the job and kill her, she'd be glad. As long as it meant being with her beloved again. She heard a few gasps in shock, figuring it was probably the Avengers.

She felt a hand on her shoulder, yet didn't look up. Not caring who it was.

"Annabeth? C'mon, we've got to go now.." she heard Tony's voice.

He tried to puller her away, her struggling against him, not wanting to leave Percy. She couldn't leave him.

<•Stark Towers, a Few Hours Later•>

Annabeth had been sent to Percy's room, and she lay on her side hugging one of the pillows close to her, staring into nothingness, all the tears she had already shed.

She noticed something. Sitting on the nightstand. A piece of paper, folded up. Annabeth reached out for it, taking it and gently unfolding the paper.

It was a note. Percy's sloppy dyslexic handwriting sprawled across the paper in black ink. Annabeth found herself crying again as she read it.

Dear Annabeth, Tony, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, and Thor.

I don't know why I'm writing this. I just felt like maybe something bad was going to happen. This note is probably really silly, considering nothing will go wrong. I guess this is just in case. You know, something really does happen. Kinda like a quick good bye. Told you this was silly.

First i'll start with Tony. Sorry 'bout pouring water on you. Well, not really. But I can't ever repay you for helping Annabeth with a new arm. It means a lot to me.

Natasha, you where there for me. Kind of like a second mom. I truly appreciate it. More then you think. Oi wouldn't admit this aloud, but that's what I needed.

Clint, I think you need to work on your puns more. 'Hawkward'? Really? But it's still funny, and semi annoying if overused, so it works.

Bruce, probably the smartest guy I know. Without you I would've died. I owe you big time. Tell you what, i'll buy you a soda. All on me.

Thor, pop-tart buddy. Eat on my man, eat on. Pop-tarts forever.

And Annabeth. Words cannot explain how much I owe you or love you. We've been through so much, it's really not even fair. But I had you. And you are the best thing thats ever happened to me. That, and of course, blue food. But you are number one by far. And I'm sorry. About everything. I wasn't the person you needed. In the end, I did awful and unforgivable things to you and everyone else. And defeating Calypso is the least I can do. I'm sorry. You deserved better.

Loads of love, Seaweed Brain/Percy

Annabeth found herself crying the most heartbroken sobs. Reading his note to her, over and over again. Each time crying harder.

His last words. The last things he had written. All of his regret he had suffered with. Now he's gone.


[A/N] .............. Is it bad to say I didn't cry while writing this? This book had rid me of emotion. I feel so evil. I like it. XD but yeah. That was the last chapter. It was short, but there wasn't much left. Next is maybe a quick epilogue. Then... It's over.

QOTD: "Sure good to be together again. Arguing. Almost dying. Abject terror. Oh, look. It's out floor. " ~Grover, The Last Olympian

So. Stay tuned for the epilogue!






And don't forget death threats! :D


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