Chapter ~8~

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[A/N] XD I was just to excited to wait any longer to update XDDD IM SO EXCITED!!!!! :D OH MY FREAKIN GODS!!!! THIS HAS 1K READS!!! I LOVE YOU ALL SO FREAKIN MUCH!!!!! and it's funny because I have another fanfic and after this chapter they will both be at chapter 8, and it has a few hundred reads less then this XD ya, this is a really long A/N and like nobody reads these.... Lol TO DA STORY!!!! :D

Chapter ~8~ 3rd Person POV ~

The Avengers had been sitting in the Living room in a awkward silence, not sure what to think about they while ordeal they had just went through.

They all had there minds on the same things, what happened to Percy? Because it was obvious there was more to the teen then there appeared. They heard a door open from the hall, and immediately everyone's heads snapped over to look in that direction. They saw Percy walking out of the hall and come over. He casually took a seat on one of Tonys thousand dollar couches and gave everyone a slight smile.

"uh... So... I.. Uh have some things to tell you guys..." Percy said his hands folded and his lap, and he kept his gaze down, not wanting to look anyone in the eye. After a few moments of awkward silence Tony spoke up saying,

"What do you want to tell us?" Tony asked curiously. Percy took a deep breath, not exactly sure how to explain it. It shouldn't be that hard, he figured, sense they believed in Norse gods, Greek and Roman gods shouldn't be that hard understand.

"Uh, you know about Greek gods, right?" Percy started.

"Ya! Something about Zeus or whatever, right?" Tony said, as a loud rumble was heard from outside. Percy almost rolled his eyes.

"Ya, exactly. Uhh.. You may find this hard to believe, but there kind of real..." Percy said. Tony had a questioning look on his face, while Steve looked lost and confused, Both Clint and Natasha's faces remained emotionless, Thor smiled a bit, and Bruce also looked semi confused, yet not as much as Steve. Percy decided to continue. "and uh, sometimes, they come down to earth and.. Uh.. Mingle with humans... Producing offspring called Demigods, that are half god half mortal. Make sense?" Percy tried explaining.

Most of them nodded, not speaking and wanting Percy to continue.

"Uh, so I'm kind of a Demigod. And my dad is one of the big three. " Percy said.

"Big Three?" Steve questioned.

"Yeah, the Big Three are the strongest of the gods, there Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. Put simply, Zeus is the god of the sky, Poseidon is the god of water, and Hades is the god of death. My dad is Poseidon. " Percy explained to everyone. "oh, and sense the big three are so powerful there not supposed to have children with mortals. " Percy waited a minute in the excruciatingly awkward silence.

"So.... That pretty much sums it up. " Percy said leaning back in his chair, looking around at everyones quit surprised faces.

"What powers do you have??" Clint spoke after a few moments of awkward silence.

"uhh... I can control water, breath under water and talk to horses and fish... That's pretty much it..." Percy said simply. "Wanna see?"

"YES!!" Tony exclaimed excitedly.

"ok.. Let's go to the pool." Percy got up going to the elevator, everyone followed him.

Once the elevator stopped everyone stepped out. Percy stepped over to the pool and everyone looked him expectantly. Percy put out his hand and closed his eyes for a second, it had been a while sense he had controlled water. Percy felt a slight tugging sensation in his gut, he smiled then opened his eyes. He pulled out a whole long stream of water and held it into the air, everyone let out gasps. He hovered the water right above Tony's head, smirking mischievously. It took him a moment to realize what was about to happen.

"Don't you da-" Tony was cut off when a buckets worth of water dumped right on him. Percy smiled innocently, while everyone burst out in laughter. Tony on the other hand looked like a drowned cat, glaring at Percy. But even he thought it was semi funny.

Everyone saw the similarities between both Percy and Tony. They where a lot alike. More then they probably would want to admit. But little did any of them know, under that happy smile of Percys, slowly, he was breaking. They still had no idea of all that he had been through. Percy knew he needed to tell someone. And they might actually be able to help him.


I knew I needed to tell them about Annabeth and mom.

I just wasn't sure I was ready yet. But I had to. They might be able to help me. But, then again, they might not. It was a 50/50 chance. And I needed to take it. We all went up to the Living room again, and waited for Tony to finish changing. Once Tony got back I decided to tell them.

"Uh... I-I need to tell you guys something..." I said, dropping my gaze to the floor nervously.

"What is it Percy?" Natasha said, bringing out her more gentle and motherly side. I took a deep breath before continuing.

"It's about who Annabeth is. " I said slowly looking up. A few of them nodded, signaling for me to continue. "I think I'll have to go to the beginning, won't I?"

I sighed and began telling them the story of how I had become a Demigod, and the whole adventure of the lightning bolt, I continued on telling them about how Annabeth Grover and I found the golden fleece, and how we had met Nico and Bianca, and how Bianca had died, and then about the whole battle of the labyrinth, then about when Kronos was rising and I (with the help of luke, of course) had beaten him, and then getting my memory wiped and going on a quest with Frank and Hazel, and then meeting the whole team, and finally getting my memory's back, and how we had to stop Gaea from rising, and I mentioned falling into Tartarus, though I avoided the subject, then us defeating Gaea, and Leo's death.

Everyone stared at me in awe. I was after all, only about 18. And I had probably been through just as much (if not more) then most of the people in this vary room. And I was just about half of everyone's ages.

"So now that you know who Annabeth is, " I said growing more serious. "S-She went missing. Possibly kidnapped by someone in league with Loki. "

"But who?" Steve wandered aloud.

"That's the thing, I have so many enemy's, I don't even know where to start. " I said deciding I wouldn't tell them about my mom being kidnapped to, though I wasn't sure why though.

I looked at a fancy clock the hung on the wall, seeing it was around 10:44 PM. woah. It had taken quit awhile to tell them that whole story. I yawned.

"Well, I'm going to sleep everyone. Night. " I stood up and stretched, yawning again and walked to my room.

I opened my door then silently closed it. I went and plopped down on the bed closing my eyes. I saw flashes of what could be happening to Annabeth or my mom.

This was going to be a long night.

[A/N] YAY!!! PERCY FINALLY TOLD THEM!!!! :D I hope I did good with that XD well... What did ya think? :D oh and I still need an idea for a villain XD hehehehehhee.... I suck at coming up with villains XD anyways, while you all awesome people wait for an update, why not-





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