Chapter ~19~

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[A/N] do I regret the last Cliff hanger? No ^.^ heheheeehehe, so I know the last chapter only had 24 votes instead of 25, but hey, what's one vote? XD plus, this is a pretty exciting for Fave comments:

By @_Stop_and_Stare_

OH MY GOSH AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I THINK THAT I WILL DIE GOSH LOOK AT ME IM DYING!!!!!!! <--- That will soon be me just you wait. And now that my tantrum is over... You deserve a hug for updating! :D *hugs* Now I'm going to go huddle up in a corner and cry alone that my little Seaweed Brain will probably die. (And yes my caps is working again)

By @GoldChain99

Oh my gosh!!! I'm gonna die this is so intense!!!! I can't wait for the next chapter I bet it will be so striking and amazing especially supercalafagilisticexpialidocious

By @Greenninjagal

o.o there had to be some sort of rule that says YOU CAN'T LEAVE THE CHAPTERS LIKE THIS!!!! *runs around freaking out* UPDATE PLEASE!!! ASAP!!!

By @HoO_Lover_4_Life

why...why you do this... i cant even.... why... the feels.... THE FEELS ON THE BUS GO ROUND AND ROUND

:D YOU ALL HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I SMILED READING THOSE!! Heheheh... Being evil is just so fun ^.^ don't you agree? :D

Chapter ~19~ Stark Towers, 3rd Person POV~

At around eight in the morning, all of the Avengers happily sat around enjoying a normal day.

But it felt like something was missing... Percy. Tony had just opened his mouth to say something, when Jarvis spoke up.

"Sir, there is an Annabeth Chase here to see you. She says it's urgent. " Jarvis said.

"Wait.. Isn't Annabeth the girl who was kidnapped?" Steve asked.

"She was... But how'd so get free?" Clint asked.

"Well, let's see. Jarvis, send her up. " Tony said.

Not two minutes later a blonde girl with stunning grey eyes, insanely messy hair, and tears streamed down her face walked in.

"P-Percy was taken by... Calypso a-and Loki. " she cried. For a second, everyone where to stunned to even do anything.

But Natasha, being the only other female there took it into her own hands to comfort Annabeth. She stood up and went over to Annabeth and wrapped her in a motherly hug, as Annabeth cried in her shoulder, letting all of her bottled up emotions out.

After a few minutes of tears, Annabeth got ahold of herself and calmed down. She and Natasha went back and sat in the big living room with everyone else.

"What has happened to Percy, son of jack?" Thor asked Annabeth.

And so Annabeth went on to recall everything that had happened in the warehouse, earning stunned expressions from everyone.

"Loki took over Percy?" Steve asked in shock. Annabeth just nodded.

"What are the planning to do..?" Clint wandered aloud.

"I don't know.. But what ever it is, it can't be good. " Tony frowned grimly.

"well, he over Clint and all we needed to do was hit him in the head really hard and he was good as new. " Natasha said, Clint winced and involuntarily rubbed his head.

"Ya, but you guys haven't seen the full extent to Percy's powers. I have. " Annabeth said grimly, her eyes glazed over for a second as if remembering something, but they soon returned to normal.

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