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"Adam... your phone..." - Alexa called out but Adam was asking for their coffees.

Alexa saw on the screen the picture of a beautiful blond woman, smiling, under the name Ericha.

The name did not say anything to her... against her better instincts Alexa went to Adam's phone and browsed through the gallery. There were a lot of pictures of a small toddler, of that Ericha, some guys, she recognized one of them... the name Austin popped on her mind, so she supposed that would be his name. Couple more swipes and Alexa found a picture of Adam and Ericha, kissing and then another one of the three of them really happy.

When Adam returned to the table Alexa was pale as a ghost, had her nails studded in the palm of her hand almost on the verge of bleeding, without looking at Adam in the eye she said:

" Your.. WIFE... called..." - Alexa stood up, threw his phone at him and rushed out of the coffee shop leaving Adam without a clue about what was going on.


Alexa was in front of the coffee shop trying to figure what just happened..

"Damn thing! Wife.. toddler?! What the fuck is happening?! Why can't I remember anything?!" - Tears were rolling down her face, she felt the sting pain on her palms, the nails had tore the skin, and were bleeding now.

"Alexa, sweetie..." - Adam caught up with her outside the coffee shop.

" No!" - Alexa looked him in the eye - " Get... out... of... my... sight!"

"But... but.. let me explain.. Alpha please... " - Adam's heart was racing, was getting hard to breath.

"Don't Alpha me, Rupp! Nothing to explain... that poor child...the girl... Who are you?! " - Alexa beat Adam's chest.

"Listen to me!" - Adam grabbed Alexa by the arms, pushing her close to him, looking deep into her eyes, his blue piercing eyes were staring straight into her soul - "Ericha is my ex-wife! She probably called to check on you, she knows about you.. and if I am here.. is because of her! Damn just listen! Cerise is my daughter... yes... She also knows about you! No one is cheating here ok?! Now stop acting crazy and hurting yourself. Last time you ended up in hospital!"

Alexa's head was spinning, she felt nauseous, a lot of information to process and she couldn't.

Adam's voice was a background sound, all around her was spinning and blurry.

Suddenly, Alexa felt Adam wrapping her in a tight hug, she could hear his heartbeat, it was fast and the breathing irregular.

"I am here for you, Alpha. I love you!" -  Adam whispered while leaving kisses in Alexa's neck.

Alexa felt her legs shaking, all her skin was cover in goosebumps.

She raised her head to him and hungrily took his mouth, urgently like her own life depended on it.
Her hands grabbed Adam's hair while the tongues were exploring every inch of each other's mouths.

Adam was holding Alexa by her waist, feeling his heart racing, but this time for pleasant reason.

They were full making out display when a familiar voice was heard:

"Y'all...hey! Get a room! TMI" 

The couple laughed without disengaging from each other's embrace.

"We will finish this later" - Adam whispered against Alexa's lips.

" We will see about that" - Alexa bit gently Adam's lower lip.

When they turn, 4 very familiar figures approached.

Tim, Austin, Chance and Rob.

Alexa smiled and said: "Austin!"

The group stared wide opened to Alexa.

"Do you remember me?" - Austin hugged Alexa tight.

Alexa pulled away gently and said slightly embraced: "Not really... Dunno why that name popped in my mind when I saw you... Are you Austin? "

"Heck yeah I am! Dudes... I am awesome.. I am stuck in her subconscious! Top that!" - Austin was gloating 

"Well... Adam is kinda all around her... and.. actually left a part IN her... look at that bump!" - Tim smiled.

"Ok... " - Alexa was looking very confused 

"Let's go inside.. I need coffee! And we need to introduce myself, Hi I am Rob.. the sexiest fittest member of the crew, you will remember me very soon... because well.. no one forgets this body!" 

All group burst in laughter while they went back to the coffee shop.

*********************To Be Continued*******************************

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