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Alexa and Adam picked Austin up from the airport couple of days after the call.

"Oh honey come here" - Alexa pulled Austin into a tight hug the moment he got out of the arrivals door. - " How are you doing?" - Alexa went full maternal on Austin.

" I am ok" - Austin reply with sad tone - " Thank you for letting me stay."

" You are more than welcome dude!" - Adam patted Austin's back

" We will get you all settled, Beau will love to have uncle Austin around" - Alexa smiled.

They made it home where were greeted by Deedee and Beau at the door.

" Hi, I'm Deedee.. Im Beau's nanny, sometimes Alexa's too" -Deedee  smiled at Austin.

"Hi Deedee, I' m Austin...Can i hold him?" -Austin smiled for first time when Beau stretch his little arms to go to his lap.

" Uh, yes please, uncle duties was part of the deal.. so pretty boy... get to it" - Deedee passed Beau to Austin's hands.

Austin looked at Alexa and mouthed: "What the heck?"

"This will be funny.." - Adam moved to kitchen to make some coffee.

"Hi Little man! Look at you so handsome!" - Austin was talking to Beau while placing the baby in his chest after kissing him on the top of the head.

Beau giggled. and Alexa and Deedee couldn't help to smile at the scene.

"Girl, any other good looking friends to meet, keep'em coming?" - Deedee laughed

"Deedee!" - Alexa scolded - " You have man!"

" SO?! Can't a girl make friends?" - Deedee tossed her hair and went to Beau's room.

Alexa sighed and smiled at Deedee's always colorful remarks.

" Baby boy" - She called out

" Yes?" - "Austin stood up with Beau on arms.

" Time to eat c'mon" - Anticipating Austin's answer, Alexa raised her finger in the hair  - "No... I am not asking.. Im ordering.. Now... Kitchen! " 

Austin pouted but followed Alexa to the kitchen.

Alexa quickly fixed lunch to all of them.

"Sugar, you are something!" - Austin hugged Alexa - " Hot, sweet, competent and you cook! Blondie there is one lucky bastard" 

" Don't be silly! Your perfect match is out there somewhere!" - Alexa's expression got serious - " I still have a talk pending..." -

Adam was setting up the table and mouthed behind Austin " Stay... out... of... it!" 

"No!" - Alexa answered back.

"Guys please.. " - Austin plead - " Don't argue on my account.. Ale.. it's Ok.. really, leave her be. maybe this was for the best" 

" As you want Baby boy..." 

Alexa put the food on table, Deedee joined them to have lunch. 

" This was delicious!" - Adam complimented 

Deedee and Austin agreed

"Thank you all, now.. someone needs to work in this house.. so" - Alexa stood up

" I have couple of meetings in the afternoon, you boys all behave and you specially Deedee!"

" Yes mom!" - Adam, Austin and Deedee answered at same time.

Alexa rolled her eyes and went to grab her stuff and went to work.

In the back of her mind was still the need to give Olena a piece of her mind, but Austin had asked her not to do so.

She got called to real life when her phone rang.

" Jones, speaking" 

Lilly's voice echoed in the car speakers.

" Madonna!!! Jones speaking.." - Lilly mocked Alexa- Sei stupida?! .. " 
(*Conversation happens in Italian*)

" Ciao Lilly... I did not look at the name on the screen, is everything ok? "

"I need help! I need to buy some clothes for couple of events... Please please help me... I need to be classy but modern, professional but good vibe also..."

"Hmhm... Cool Boss Bitch... Got it..."

"Abigail! Language! Dio Santo! Will you help me or not?"

"Sure... Today I'm busy as hell but tomorrow is Saturday.. let's go on a shopping spree!"

"Thank you ! thank you!!!"

"See you tomorrow!"

Alexa disconnected the call and smiled to herself, Lilly and her issues with language.

The afternoon was busy and Alexa had to call home to say that she wouldn't make it to dinner.

Was around midnight when she managed to make it home, upon entering the apartment was greeted by silence and only a dim light coming from the living room.

From far she could see Austin sitting on the couch, he was starting out of the window lost in his own thoughts.

Alexa approached quietly, kissed him on the top of the head.

"Still awake?"

"Hi Sugar... I guess I lost track of time, you only arrived now?" - Austin looked at the clock

"Yeah, lot of stuff to solve. I could use a drink... Join me?"

"Sure... Never leave a lady drinking by herself! " - Austin stood up - "I'll pour it... Choose you poison"

"Whiskey... Neat..." - Alexa put the legs on the coffee table

"Two whiskeys coming up"

"Thank you honey! Where is Adam?"

"He went upstairs a while ago, after putting Beau to bed...same with Deedee, funny lady that one!"

"She is feisty... But she means well.. she just has a funny way to put things"

"Alexa..." - Austin sat down beside Alexa on the couch and held her hands, looked her straight in the eye - "Thank you for all you've done for me. This means the world to me! When I read that note my world colapse, I didn't know what to do, I just felt like my heart was breaking in thousand pieces. I just... " - tears were rolling down his face - " You were the first person I thought of to call"

"Oh my angel... I'm always here for you! I wish I could do more to ease your pain. It kills me seeing you like this.." - Alexa wiped Austin's tears - "I love you! You are my baby boy! I would do anything for you! You are my brother from another mother!"

"You are something else girl!" - Austin smiled.

They both shared the drink, talked some more also about how things were between Alexa and Adam and after that called it a night.

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