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Morning came and the sunlight woke Adam up, took him few moments to get used to the brightness before he managed to open the eyes and check the time.

Alexa felt Adam move around and woke up as well.

"Coffee" - she mumbled.

"Morning to you too sweetheart" - Adam laughed.

"Yeah... Sorry... Morning " - Alexa hugged Adam from behind.

"Auch" - Adam complained in lower voice

"Oh... Ahem... Sorry..." - Alexa noticed the love marks from the night before on Adam's back, she tried to keep straight face until she rolled to her side to stand up

"Mother fucker" - Also she had some souvenirs.

Adam commented sarcastically: "Love hurts"

Alexa fulminated him with a glance and flipped him the bird efore she moved slowly to the bathroom.

"Good morning happy couple" - Deedee greeted them when they arrived to the table to have breakfast.

"Morning Delilah, how was the little's man night?" - Adam asked while picking Beau up and kissed him. - "Hi Mr... How are you? Still remember Dad?"

Beau giggled at Adam's funny faces.

"Coffee!!!" - Alexa poured full cup of coffee and drank it even before sitting on the table.

"Hey...Mamma... You ok?" - Deedee asked

"Yeah... Why?" - Alexa tried to sound casual

"Dunno, maybe because bitch ain't sitting ass down to eat" - Deedee laughed

"Don't start..." - Alexa laughed - " And no need to check on anything"

"I know... " - Deedee whispered - " I saw the condition of Adam's chest...maybe a V-neck not best option for the day...but I'm glad... See... Deedee is always right, anything can be solved between sheets" - the nanny winked at Alexa.

"What were you too whispering about? " - Adam was giving Beau to Alexa's hands.

"Oh nothing... Deedee is with some guy issues" - Alexa lied - "Hi little man... Give Mommy a kiss, do you see, now the second best looking man in this house is back..."

Beau giggled at his mom's voice.

"Hey Adam" - Deedee called out - "maybe change your shirt... Looks like you fought a tiger and lost"

Adam looked down, his cheeks went full red. Without a word he went back and changed shirt.

Alexa hid her smile behind the coffee mug.

They had breakfast and then took Beau for a stroll in the park.

While they were in the park, Alexa's phone rang several times.

"Business woman" - Deedee commented, Adam nodded in agreement.

"No, I said no" - Alexa's tone was serious - " I want that bus in the airport at 3:00pm on the dot! I don't care if you need to make a flip or sell a kidney... Make ... It ...happen! " - She cut the call, to see Adam and Deedee staring at her with a shocked face.


" You are mean!" - Deedee pointed out

"I'm demanding... It's different"

"Hmm... Nope... You're plain mean, I remember Luke freaking out before he called you" - Adam revealed.

"Jesus..." -Alexa rolled her eyes.

Her phone rang once more.

"Dude I swear I'll" - Alexa stopped talking, and suddenly her expression went from tough to worried. - " Honey, calm down, Sweetheart... Listen to me... Breath..."

Adam and Deedee were questioning who was on the other side of the line.

Alexa only whispered: "Austin"

And went away so that she could hear better.

( Conversation between Austin and Alexa in italic)

"Dude I swear I'll"

"Alexa" - Austin's voice was low, he sniffed before saying- " I'm sorry I'm calling you, I " -didnt manage to end the thought, Alexa only heard muffled crying

" Honey, calm down, Sweetheart... Listen to me... Breath..."  - Alexa's heart broke when she heard Austin crying

"It's... Over..." -Austin managed to say.

"Honey, wait, breath and slowly tell me what happened... Are you ok? Are you hurt? - Alexa was really worried about him

"It's.. over... " - Austin repeated - "She left me... "

"What? Who? Olena? "

"Yes... I woke... Woke up... And had a note from her... A fucking note" - Austin stopped talking for couple of seconds

"Austin, you there?" - Alexa called out.

"Yes... Yes... This is just fucking surreal...she just left me...with a note... Not a word..a mother fucking note"

"What does the note say?"

"I feel like I'm stuck, I need to spread my wings and find myself. Please be happy and don't search for me" - Austin read the note in tears.

"My baby angel" - Alexa was feeling Austin's pain so deeply, she loved him like a brother and seeing him devastated was ripping her heart.

"What did I do wrong?"

"Austin listen to me... You did nothing wrong! You hear me?!"

"I...I... " - Austin was crying again.

"Honey, get out of there! Grab first flight and come here! You'll stay with us for a couple of days!"

"No... No... Thank you but I'll be fine" - Austin whispered - "I just needed a friend."

"Well... This friend is telling you to come here... Either you come or I'll go there myself to get you!"

"I don't want to drag anyone into this"

"Too late! I'm here, not going anywhere!"

"Thank you, babe. You are an angel!"

"Get your ass here ASAP! And don't forget...I love you Bro! "

" I love you too sis!"

Alexa turn off the phone and came back next to Adam and Deedeee.

"What's up? " - Adam asked worried.

"Austin is coming to stay with us for couple of days. And I'm going to kill Olena.. Thats all."

****Short one***

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