Million miles away

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Several weeks passed, Deedee was a blessing on Alexa’s life, she had return to work, fully at ease because she knew Beau was in great hands.
Deedee had become also friends with Alexa, now that Adam was gone the had moved to their house.
“ Beau is asleep and I am going to “ – Deedee was speaking while moving to the living room, to find Alexa staring at her laptop but million miles away -  “I’m going to throw a rave in here trash the place and throw you out of the window, can be Alexa?”
“ uhm… yeah, sure, whatever you prefer” – Alexa answered
Deedee, laughed and rolled her eyes, took the laptop away calling Alexa back to reality.
“Wha… what…” -  Alexa muttered
“I just said I was going to throw a rave in here trash the place and throw you out of the window and you told me to do whatever I prefer…” – Deedee sat down next to Alexa
“I’m sorry I was just…”
“Thinking about a certain someone with beautiful blue eyes and that you miss like hell” – Deedee smiled  - “did I get it right”
Alexa sighed – “Bull’s eye sister… Bull’s eye… wait…  are you hitting on my man?!”
Deedee rolled her eyes: “Definitely, haven’t you notice how bad I want him?!”
“Sorry Deedee.. I just get.. insecure you know…” – Alexa hanged her head -  “ I was on the other side once…”
“ Girl please!”  -  Deedee grabbed Alexa’ s face –“ 1st have you met yourself?! Have you seen yourself in the mirror?! Don’t think so! 2nd that human jukebox is head over heels for you, I saw you together and wow.. its fireworks everywhere” -  Deedee made an exaggerated gesture mimicking the fireworks.
“Oh Deedee… you are awesome! “ – Alexa hugged Deedee – “ Lilly stroke gold with you!”
“ Yeah I know.. I’m freaking awesome! “
Both girls burst in laughter
“Talking about Lilly! I need to call her!!!” – Alexa grabbed the phone to call Lilly.
“ Yep you should, but… just crazy, I would text certain someone 3 little words.. I bet will make his day” – Deedee stood up – “ Now that my therapy session is done, I’ll go back to do what you pay me to do… “
Alexa laughed, Deedee was great and was precious help with Beau and to herself.
Before calling Lilly, Alexa selected a picture that Deedee had taken that morning of her and Beau, the baby was sleeping on his mom’s chest while Alexa was having her coffee, both in the balcony catching the morning sun.
Together with the picture the 3 words: We love you.
Back in the tour bus…
Adam was woken up by his phone buzzing, with only one eye open he checked the phone, to see the message Alexa had sent, he rubbed his eyes to focus better so that he could read what was written, his chest tightened, he sure missed them like crazy, he answered back: “I love you too! Miss you a lot”.
Everybody else was still sleeping, Adam stood up as quietly as he could, went to bathroom, took a shower and got dressed, went to the front of the bus and poured a cup of coffee.
Meanwhile grabbed his phone and called Alexa.

Alexa heard the guys voices coming from her phone: “Aleexaaaaaa! Sugar pick up! (Austin) Ale... The phoooneeeeee!(Rob/Chance)  Abigail pick up that thing!!! (Tim)" – she had kept same ringtone they “made” for her, there was always a way to make her smile.
Without looking she picked up the phone: “ Jones speaking”
From the other side the sexiest chuckle gave her goosebumps, she knew who it was, her heart start beating faster, after all that happened, she still had butterflies on her stomach when she would hear his voice.
“ Alpha, still picking up without looking huh?” – Adam said in husky voice, followed by a sweet laugh.
The couple spoke for a few minutes but then Alexa had to go, she had a meeting to attend but she promised she would make it up to him in the evening,
“ Bye baby” – Alexa said
“ Bye honey” – Adam answered
Night fall came, when Adam finally had a second to check his phone already 4 missed calls from Alexa, checked the time, was 11PM local, early morning in Europe…
“ Shit.. Oh no…” – Adam tried to call back but went straight to voicemail, he knew Alexa would be mad at him. For last couple weeks the communication had been nothing but couple of messages answered with several hours of difference and two five minute calls.
“Fuck this!” – Adam laid down fully dress in the hotel room, rubbed his eyes, a wave of anger ran through him, at least only couple of day until the end of that leg of the tour and he could get some rest and go home.
Alexa tried to call couple of times, no answer, she was sad, worried but mostly starting to feel insecure, the thought came to mind several times, she had been the reason of several not answered calls before…
She gave up, turn off the cellphone and took a pill to sleep, the sleepless nights with Beau and also the old friend insomnia were starting to accuse and she had to sleep before she would end up sick.
“ If you want to call me, you’ll make the effort”.

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