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So I tore up your letters
Took your picture off my wall
I deleted your number, it was too hard not to call
Felt a little better, told myself I'd be fine
Got to live for the good times up ahead, yeah yeah

Cause everywhere I go
There's a love song that reminds me of you
And even though I knew I had to be strong
I was still not over you
Cause I still believe and I could see how there's nothing left of you and me
That time is over
Cause I'm so not over you

Alexa woke up once more in discomfort, the belly was growing and was becoming hard to find confortable position for long periods, she kept waking up several times per night. In the darkness she palmed through the nightstand trying to get her cellphone to check what time it was. When the device lighted up she saw:

"New message: Adam Rupp"

Alexa rubbed her eyes in disbelief. Couldn't be, why would Adam be writing here in the middle of the night?!

She opened the message and read: " Is it our baby?"

Alexa grasped for air. It was him that she saw across the street earlier. He saw the bump. The brunette unconsciously put the hand on her belly and pet it.
Knowing that anyone would listen she whispered to the bump "Daddy found you... What are we going to do now? "

Alexa had decided never reveal who was the baby's father, also because she had decided to give him for adoption, so only would make things harder and more complicated. But now she was trying to find a way of keeping the baby away from Adam. Their story was over, and a child out of wedlock wouldn't change that.

She hit reply and only wrote: "No."

What was he doing back in Europe and alone because all the other guys where in the US.

Alexa stood up and went to the closet and grabbed the shirt Adam had left with her. Once more the memories invaded her mind and the suppressed feelings rose.

She went back to bed, curled as she could and put the shirt on top of her belly and once more talked to the baby: "I'm so sorry baby, your dad is the sweetest and most caring human being I know. Made me feel loved and wanted as no one else managed. I really love him but I cannot ruin his life. So you will be with a family that loves you and that will give you everything I can't."
The hours passed and Alexa was wide awake just staring at the ceiling.


Adam did not believe the answer he read from Alexa.
He wanted her to tell him looking into his eyes that the baby wasn't his.
When the morning came he felt like he had been ran over by a truck. The jetlag plus the sleepless night was a heavy combo for his body to stand.

After taking a shower, went down the coffeeshop and order double expresso.
While was taking ir, Adam pull his phone and dialed Alexa's number.

*Incoming Call: Adam Rupp*

Alexa ignored the phone. She really had to change the ring tone. Out of joke Austin had change her cellphone ringtone to  personalized song they recorded on her phone. So now every time her phone rang would sound the guys calling her name: " Aleexaaaaaa! Sugar pick up! Ale... The phoooneeeeee! Abigail pick up that thing!!!"

She left it for all that time because was something that always managed to make her smile.

The phone rang again. She knew Adam wouldn't give up, so she picked up and answered:

"Good morning. I am working. I cannot talk right now"

"You are?" - Adam's chuckle on the other side of the line gave her goosebumps - "Quite funny because I could swear..."

Alexa felt a hand on her shoulder and she jumped.

Adam was behind her, looking tired but as handsome as ever, all in black clothes contrasting with the blond hair and the piercing blue eyes.  For a change he has his hair loose only held by the sunglasses on his head.

Alexa felt her heartbeat racing and her breathing quicken and getting heavier.

"Adam...Why are .... you here?" - the brunette sighed between words. She wanted to hold him but at same time send him away. The feelings were colliding and her chest tightening.

Adam sat down next to Alexa, studied her features for a couple of seconds, she was even prettier but somehow right now she seemed fragile, tired. Something he had never seen before on her.

He looked down, to her belly, even though she tried to cover with her arms, he managed to put the hand on it.

The moment Adam put his hand on her belly Alexa felt the baby kicking for the first time.

"Alpha... " - Adam's voice was low, he caressed Alexa's face lift her chin, and approached his lips to her's and whispered - "I cannot forget you"

Alexa felt Adam's lips against hers and her entire body answered to his touch. Like if she had been numb all these months and his touch had brought her back to reality.

Adam knew the moment their lips touch that he was right. They had to be together. They were each other's happiness.

When they broke the kiss Alexa quickly looked at Adam's hand. No sign of wedding band.

" Adam... What happened?!"

" I got divorced. Ericha found someone else... We were broken before..."

"No! No! Cerise... She needs her parents together! That is not the way! " - Alexa started rambling - " No way. No this is wrong... No"

" Alexa, baby, calm down please! The baby... Please..." - Adam tried to calm his beloved

" Don't baby me. You have a daughter! That needs..."

"Her parents to be happy! And yes... We are happy now! I have a daughter and another baby on the way... With you!"

"Stop! This baby is not yours!" - Alexa stood up and left.

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