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I wanna live with you
Even when we're ghosts
'Cause you were always there for me when I needed you most
I'm gonna love you till
My lungs give out
I promise till death we part like in our vows
So I wrote this song for you, now everybody knows
'Cause now it's just you and me till we're grey and old
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go
Oh, just say you won't let go

"Auch, my head hurts..." -Alexa opened her eyes to find herself in a strange room, she was thirsty, tried to stand up but couldn't. She started to panic, the muscles seemed not to answer to her brain, she wanted to move and could not, her vision was blurry, she only saw some blurry shapes before everything went dark again.

"How long Dr?" - Alexa heard a familiar voice on distance - "She has been unconscious for 3 days.." - Another familiar voices, seemed to be Hannah and Isa.

"I know, I understand your concern, but I cannot give you a prediction, these cases are impossible to predict.." -  Woman's voice, that Alexa did not know who was, answered - "Also we need to be aware of the remaining situation... "

"What situation? What is going on? Where am I?" - Alexa yelled, but no one seemed to ear her, why was she able to hear them but could not see anything but black.


"Still no change" - The voices were back - "Vitals are stable, but no sign of consciousness, you should go rest, she is in good hands.." 

"I am staying here, thank you" - the voice, the accent seemed to be Adam's, and suddenly all went quiet.


(earlier that day)

Adam was sitting next to Alexa's bed, hoping she would wake up, she had been in coma for 3 days, after she collapsed in his arms.

"Baby... please wake up" - Adam kissed Alexa's forehead, he hadn't left her side since the day she was admitted. The doctors could not say when or if  Alexa would wake up. 

"I am here, please come back to me..." -  he put his hand on her belly  - " come back to us"

Even though Alexa kept saying the baby was not his, he knew she was lying, the baby reacted to his voice, he felt the baby kicking under his hand.

His heart was heavy, he was so desperate that he called the guys to let them know where he was and what happened.

"Dude, I am so sorry! I cannot even imagine what you are going through. Don't worry about the others I'll talk to them." - Rob answered on the other side of the line, being the only one knowing all the story, Adam called Rob and asked him if he could explain the situation to the others, since he had no strength and now he only wanted to be by Alexa's side the moment she wakes up. If she wakes up...

"Thank you man, really, from bottom of my heart. I need to get back to the room, the doctor is coming. 

"Ok, sure, she will wake up soon, you'll see!" - Rob said in comforting tone.

"Let's hope buddy, let's hope.."

Adam went back to the room, the nurses were changing the IV's on Alexa's hand and checking her and the baby's vitals

"So? How are they?" - Adam asked

"The same Mr. Rupp.. unfortunately the same, the vitals are stable but besides that we cannot say anything else, we know there is no brain damage, the MRI was clean, we still could not determine the cause of her collapsing.  Abigail can.."

"Alexa, she hates when people call her Abigail..." - Adam corrected with a sad smile

"Sorry, Alexa can be in danger of loosing the baby if she does not wake up. You need to prepare yourself also for that possibility. And, if it is the case and we can save only one you will have to make the decision."

"Me?! Why me?!" - Adam ran the hands through his hair

" Well, since you are the baby boy's father..." - the doctor answer

"I am?! I am!" - Adam's head was spinning. He just got the confirmation, from a doctor.

"At least it is what is says in Alexa's file".

"Yeah, sure, I am sorry Doctor, had been just very long couple of days." - Adam caressed Alexa's face and with tears in his eyes said: " They will both pull through! Alexa is a fighter, she is the love of my life.. and our boy -Adam put the hand over Alexa's belly- he is just like his mama... tough... we will all pull through and be happy, I know it!"

The doctor put hand on Adam's shoulder and said: "Godspeed my friend...I'll be back later on. Now you try to rest to be ready for when Mamma wakes up... " 


"Where am I? Why is it so dark?" - Alexa blinked in the dark, was not able to see anything around her but some screen with small numbers and beeping sound. 

Few seconds after her eyes got used to the darkness, she managed to see a silhouette in the corner of the room.

Her head was heavy and she felt extremely dizzy and thirsty, the voice coming out of her mouth was horse and barely more than a whisper.  

"Ahm.." - Alexa tried to clear her voice - "Where am I? - Alexa struggly swallowed, her mouth was very dry, then she called out -Adam?"

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