Chapter 1

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Yume's POV
"You are in, in 1 minute!" I heaved in a deep breathe, trying to calm down my nerves. I peeked from the red curtains, a large sea of heads in the audience seats. Nevertheless, one face stood out, with an encouraging smile on, my coach/loving unnie gave me a nod, sending a sense of confidence to burst within me.

"Now, may we have our last contestant of the 50th piano competition,the youngest of all in history, Yoon Yume, to come on stage and play her piece!"

Taking a last deep breathe, I emerged onto the stage with confidence. I bowed gracefully to the audience as I settled down in front of my precious friend, the grand piano. I started playing my heart out, gliding my fingers across the piano, engrossed in the beautiful world of music. The melodious music filled the hall, enthralling everyone. I pressed the keys, producing different notes, expressing my emotions into the song.

The last note ended, and the melody stopped. I stood up and bowed to the audience and judges, as a thunderous applause filled my ears. I felt a smile tugging on my lips, as I bowed proudly once again before heading backstage.
"The winner of this year's competition is......... Yoon Yume! Who left everyone in awe, hearing her music, despite her very young age! Let's have Yoon Yume on stage!"

I headed up the stage and was recognised by a loud applause and standing ovation. I bowed sincerely and took my trophy as I left the stage shortly after taking a photo with the judges.

Finally, I have obtained the award which I have been yearning for and working really hard for.

"Congrats!!! Guess all your hard work paid off!" My unnie, Lee AiJin exclaimed. I nodded softly with a small smile.

~Next Day~
"Take a rest, Yume," AiJin unnie said. "Ok. It's just that I am so excited right now!" I chirped happily. "Haha!Just take some rest too, arrasso?" AiJin unnie said in an amused tone. "Arrasso, unnie!" I replied as I gazed out the window, the city of Paris grow smaller gradually, as the plane soared higher into the aqua blue sky, heading towards my hometown, Seoul, South Korea.

•Seoul.South Korea•
I got off the plane and breathe in a mouthful of the fresh air."Ah! Feels great to be back! Nothing beats my home sweet home!" I exclaimed happily. "It's just 6 months Yume! Are you really that homesick?!"AiJin asked,bewildered." It felt like years,unnie! I missed Seoul! My family, my friends, and most importantly, the food! I am craving for my umma's home cook food!""Arrasso! Come on and let's get you home quickly!"AiJin unnie ordered in a playful tone.

I was in the taxi when I thought, 'I told only umma about my arrival and she promised to keep a secret and wanted to help me with my surprise. She says she is taking a day off today and prepare the dinner. Yum! And she also told appa and YuHan oppa to be home early for dinner. Best partner in crime! It's too bad JeongHan oppa is busy and can't join in the fun:( But it will be a surprise for him tomorrow! Can't wait to see their shocked expressions!!' A smile appeared on my face as I traveled the street home.

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