Chapter 12

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Yume's POV
Ms Park announced,"Class, today, I will be assigning each of you in pairs to work on a project....""No!!!..."the students whined."Excuse you! Now let me continue! The pairs will be Yuri & MingHao, YuNa & MinGyu, JuRi & SeokMin....."Ms Park trailed on, while I sat in my seat in a daze. "And finally, Yume & JungKook. And, please remember to work together with your partner and the project will be due next Thursday which is quite a long time so thank me for being generous." I heard that I would be partnering with JungKook and turned around to find him, only to see the said boy already staring at me.

JungKook walked swiftly to me, earning squeals and whispers from his fan girls, and I was of course, gaining hateful glares from them. "Uhmm... Yume-ssi, how about we discuss about it during lunch? You can join me at my table, my hyungs won't mind. And also, give me your phone."He said. Confused, I fished out my phone, unlocking it and passed it to him. He typed quickly on the phone and soon, a ring was heard. He smiled at me and said,"There! It will be useful for us to have each other's number!"while passing me back my phone.

I looked down at my phone and saw his number, instantly, I felt a vibration.

Jungkookie🐰: Hi! I am Jungkook! Hope we work along nicely together!:)

I looked up at him and slightly smiled,"I am Yume. Hope we get along well too."

I was walking into the cafeteria when JungKook shouted,"Yume! Here!" I put my head down quickly due to embarrassment and looked around. I found YuNa and gave her a apologetic look, she waved her hand dismissively and gave me an understanding nod with a big smile and used her hands and expression to shoo me away.

I walked to JungKook's table, feeling dejected after getting dismissed by my YuNa. "Anneong Yume."BTS greeted as I approached their table."Anneong, sunbae."I greeted, being respectful as they are my seniors. Being in the same clubs as them was fun, I would say that we can get along, having topics to talk about so it won't be that awkward.

I sat down in an empty seat, next to JungKook.
I begin eating my lunch as they chatted, with me nodding and shaking my head when getting dragged into the conversation. "Hyungs! Yume and I are partners in a project!"JungKook finally mentioned about the topic that made me sit here in the first place. 'Took him long enough to go to the main topic. Good job, JungKook-ssi'I thought.

The members were shock and begin attacking us with questions. Me being the lazy me, let JungKook do the speaking as I continue eating. "Yume, you can come to our dorm to do your project. We won't mind."I looked up and see NamJoon sunbae talking to me. I nodded and said,"What time is possible for you guys?" "Tomorrow would be nice, we don't have practice tomorrow. It is also Saturday!"Jin said.

"Ok, send me your address later, JungKook. I will head to your dorm tomorrow."I said, looking at the bunny who is stuffing his mouth
beside me."We can pick you up if you want."NamJoon-ssi said."Nah. I'm fine with getting there by myself. No need to trouble you guys. Now, if you would excuse me, I have a best friend to go to. Anneong."I picked up my tray and bowed, before making my way to my usual table. We begin chatting about the project.

Being bored as always, I started looking up on the internet for the project, and by the time the clock struck nine, I have already printed all the information that I have gathered and placed them neatly into a file.

'I guess these are enough for today, we will continue tomorrow. Now, let's use my phone.' I thought as I glanced at the file with a small stack of paper in it, before jumping on my bed and reach out for my phone.

I scrolled through my Instagram account, looking through the posts from the very few people that I followed. 'Aish...nothing much to see. Should I use Wattpad?' I thought as I exited Instagram and wanted to click on the Wattpad icon before I received a message.

Jungkookie🐰: Anneong! Mianhe for the late message but my address is xxxxxxxx. See you tomorrow at ?? time? ^~^

Y.Yume: Arrasso. Meet you tomorrow at 10 then.^.^

Jungkookie🐰: 👌🏻 see you tomorrow! Good night and sweet dreams!\^.^/

Y.Yume: You too!:)

I lay down on my comfy bed and put my phone aside, setting an alarm at 5.00 for my weekend morning jog, before drifting off to sleep.

A/N: I will do my best to update everyday, if it is possible. If time permits, I will try to update 2 chapters in a day, as my active time is mostly during the night. Peace out ✌🏻

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