All Hell 'Bout To Break Loose!!

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Madison POV

I was talking to Mauri while on my way to school. She said that there is a new girl and I would not believe who it is. She would not tell me and I would have to find out when I get to school. I hate when she ddoes that. She always tell me part of something then leave the rest for me to find out. I pulled into the school parking lot and parked my car. I got out and walked to the school. When I walked into the school doors I was greeted by my one and only boyfriend. Ray!!! And yes just in case you didn't know, last night while me and Ray were walking home he made “us" official. Now everybody calls our relationship May while the name of our baby (science project) is Rayison.

Me: Hey bae (pecks Ray on the lips)

Ray: Hey, did you hear about the new girl?

Me:Of course, I have the most gossiping friend in the world..

Ray: Let me guess....Mauri? (Says with a smirk)

Me: Correct!! So do you know her name?

Ray: No but I heard the Taylor, Mauri, and Isis wasn't too pleased about who it was.

Me: Solo... It’s somebody I used to know. (Says with a thinking face while walking with Ray to class)

Ray : Well, now we can see who it is since she is in the same class as us. Oh, and on saturday the school is having an informal dance and your my date.

Me: Wait, you are not going to ask me, You're just going to assume that I want to go with you....

Ray : You are my girl so you have no choice but to go with me..

Me : Ha..Ha...Ha...Very funny, you got me fucked up if you think I am going to let you of all take me to some lame ass dance with out the proper approach...

Ray : (Thinks : This bitch here) Madison Sidney, my dear beloved, would you please go to the dance with me? ( he say with a hint of sarcasm)

Me : Yes, I would be delighted to!

Ray : Okay...Now can we quit this proper shit and get to class?

Me : P.A.N. You know what lets get to class before I...Nevermind..

Ray : What the fuck is a P.A.N. ?

Me : (turns towards Ray with a sly smile) A Pussy Ass Nigga!!! ( quickly runs in class trying to hold back laughter knowing that Ray doesn't like being called out of his name)

Taylor POV

Everyone was spilling in the classroom when Madison came rushing in. When Madison looked around the classroom she stopped dead in her tracks. Then I thought, she saw the new student. Chelsea!!!

Madsion : What..The..Hell..Is she doing here!?! (points at Chelsea)

Teacher : Excuse me Ms. Sidney is there a problem ?

Madison : What you mean "is there a problem" (she say in a mocking voice) There is a fucking problem.  Why the hell is she here!?!

Chelsea : And hello to y-

Madison : Don't you say a damn thing...

Mauri : ( comes out of no where and puts hand over her mouth and with free hand waves for help) Taylor come help me now...NOW!!!

Me : Okay, Okay (says rushing over to Madison and Mauri)

They both dragged Madison out of the room and I went back to get her detention slip that might last for the rest year.

Chelsea POV

I'm still wondering why they are still mad at me. I mean it happened a long time ago. Well, just in case you don't know what I did. I spread rumors about them not being virgins. I know yall are saying "Why in the hell would you do that?" Well, I did that because I wanted to be in their group but they shut down me down. Real Quick!! They said I was an untrustworthy bitch. Which at the time I deserved but I have changed. Well, when it comes to something that I really want I go back to my old way but other  than that I have changed. When Madison saw me. I saw complete hatred in her eyes.  If it was me I would have been pissed too because they went through almost the whole school year being teased about it.

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