All Day

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Jacob POV

I cannot fucking believe this shit. Mauri is with Chres. I really love her and she is with my best friend Chres. I thought she loved me. Wait!! I didnt tell her that I loved her. I was just beating her ass every chance I got. Ohhhhhh... That was what Chres wanted to talk to Mauri about. 

Craig : Jaaaccoooob...? (pushes jacob a little.)

Me : Wat mannn??

Craig : We have been calling you for the last few minutes. What are you thinking man you keep staring at Mauri like you are going to kill her or something. What is up with you man. You need to snap out of it because we got to get to our next class.

I hurried up and packed up my things and followed everyone out of the door. I tried looking for Mauri but she was no where in sight. I looked around again and she was turning the corner. I guess she had to use the restroom but I have other plans for her. I followed after her into the next hallway. I went up to her and pushed her against a locker.

Me: Why were you holding hands with Chres?/!!

Mauri : Please get the fuck out my face. I dont have to answer to you.

Me : I dont care who the fuck you answer to I just want to know why were you and Chres holding hands when you came in class earlier???

Mauri : Why the fuck do you care all you do is beat the shit out of me then leave me there like trash.

Me : I dont care about you it is Chres that I care about so if you dont stay away from him I will make the rest of your life a living hell. ( slaps the shit out of Mauri and pushes her on the ground)

Mauri : Why warn me when you have been doing that from the start!!! ( spits out blood)

Me : All I know is if I see you with him again. You wont see another day. ( spits on Mauri then walks away) 

Mauri POV

Man why can't he just leave me the fuck alone! He acts like he wants me or something gosh.  See I told yall from the start that this mother fucker was bipolar.

??? : Mauri why are you in this hallway get to class before you are late!!

Mauri : ( looks at principal shaw like she wants to beat the shit out of him) Yes Sir!!

I walk to the hallway where my next class is to see Chres walking back and forth like he is about to kill somebody. I try my best to makesure that he doesnt notice me but I guess he saw me before I could hide my face.

Chres : MAURI!!! Where have you been I have been looking all over for you.. Wait!!  What..The...Fuck...Is Wrong...With... Your...Face ??( holds Mauri face up so he can get a clear view of Mauri's scarred cheek)

SHIT! I forgot about that.. Jacob slap the shit out of me a while ago..

Me : Ohh its nothing..

Chres : You are lying..Tell me you dont have to keep a secret from me.

Me: I said it wass nothing Bae lets just go to class before we be late and have to go to detention.

Chres : We are not leaving until you tell me why the fuck you have a big ass bruise on your got damn face.

Me : Chres I said it was nothing. Damn!!! Just leave it alone.

Chres : Look I dont want you to get hurt okay. I want you to be happy. That is why I want to know why you have a bruise on your face.If you dont want to tell me it okay but just to let you know.I know who the fuck did this shit and I will handle it but not right now. Now we can go to class. (grabs Mauri hand and walks with her to class hand in hand kissing every now and then.

Me : Chres.. You surprise me soo much..I know it sounds weird but you are soo...IDK how to put it but it is something about you. Lol never mind.

Chres : Dont matter what it is just as long as were together okay..

Me : okay..

We walked to class right before the teacher closed the door. I looked around the class and only Taylor and Madison was there. So me and Chres sat with them. Iooked at my schedule one last time and remembered that Jacob has none of the other classes with me so I knew that the rest of the day was going to be a Jacob free day. Now I can lay back and relax with my friends and my fine ass boyfriend...WHOO, I dont know what to do with myself because he is so fine..Sexy as fuck and them lips

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