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Craig POV

I walked into the school to see my girlfriend Simone standing at my locker. She kind of looks like and acts like my sister so its weird to have her as my girlfriend. I do not kiss her and we have not did "you know what" because it would be like doing it with my sister. She never told me her first name but I don't care.

Simone : Hey bae (tries to give Craig a kiss but he pulls away.)

Craig : Bae, I'm sorry but kissing you is like kissing my sister.

Simone : Then why are you still with me?

Me : Bae, I'm sorry but its like me going home, grabbing Mauri and having a make out session with her. I mean you look just like her and you even admitted it yourself.

Simone : You know what fuck it!! (says while walking away)

Me : Wait... ( grabs Simone and gently pushes her against he locker)

Simone : What do you want? (while folding her arms)

Me : You.

Right before i could kiss her the bell rang. She pulled away,kissed me on the cheek and ran off to class. She is starting to look familiar to me. I used to have two sisters but my dad took the other one and made a new family. She was in the same grade with me but was one year younger. Wait........nawww that can't be my sister. Her full name is Jamiel Simone Mayes. To tell the truth I really miss her. She was soo sweet and Mauri looked up to her. When she left Mauri was depressed. She is not depressed anymore but she has changed. A LOT!!!  I sometimes feel sorry for her because there is no one there to teach her how to be a lady. I sure as hell cant teach her. Well I have to get to class before Mr. Dipshit locks the door and gives me detention.

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