No More Mrs. Nice Girl

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Miracle POV

Hi!! You might not know me but my name is Miracle and I have existed in this story more than you think. Well, let me put it like this. Sharing is caring and I don't give a fuck so that is why I called Taylor. Does that ring a bell. I didn't mean to you know curse her out but it was in the heat of the moment. I have been with Justin for 2 years. We were in love as you can say. I went off to visit my grandmother and when I came back, Justin was gone. He left a note at my house saying that they moved unexpectedly. I called him and I told him I can't handle long distance relationships. He told me we could make it work so I gave it a try. We talked everyday on face time. After a while he got distant then stopped speaking to me all together. I didn't know what was wrong so I decided to pay him a little visit. I have been here for 3 months already. I studied him and found out he had a girlfriend. I was like this shit just got real. Hey, I'm not going to even lie, she looked better than me. And she was sweet and funny so I knew couldn't compete. Right now I'm sitting in Justin's room face to face with him. I know what I'm doing so don't judge me. Believe it or not but I'm on Taylors side.

Justin : Look, babe-

Me : Don't "babe" me you 2 timing cheating low down dirty bean bag donkey lip chestnut nutter butter dick crazed dog..(I say as calm as possible)

Justin : Woahhhh there what's with the attitude?

Me : Are you really that dumb? Do I need to spell everything out for you?

Justin : What's wrong?

Me : (He thinks I'm stupid) *yung poppy voice* You dumb as fuck!

Justin sat there and put on a thinking face. We sat there for a while in silence. I looked at his phone and it was a text from that Taylor person. I immediately got pissed. I quickly counted to 10 and watched him answer his phone.

Justin POV

I'm in some deep shit right now. Taylor just found out about Miracle last night and I already know that Miracle is an expert on Taylor. What am I going to do. I love Taylor and Miracle. Oh I know what. I'm going to invite Taylor over right now. I grabbed my phone and called Taylor over and trust me it wasn't easy. As I talked to Tay on the phone Miracle glared at me the whole time. When I got off the phone I lead Miracle down the steps.

Taylor POV

I'm getting ready to go to the store with Daniel. I know its weird but I think I might black out at any moment from frustration. While putting on my cyan colored halter top I got a call and guess who it is. You guessed right, Justin motherfucking Lewis. I hesitantly answered the phone.

Me : What?

Justin : Heyyyy...Tay I -

Me : Calling me Tay is a privilege and a privilege you are off limits to. Now get to the point before I hang up.

Justin : Can you come over?

Me : I'm busy..

Justin : Please, just come over so we can talk.

Me : First, there's no "we" and second there's nothing to talk about.

Justin : Look, I know you want answers and I am willing to answer any questions you have.

Me : Whatever Justin, I'll be over there in 10 minutes.

I hung up in his face a finished putting on my flip flops. I walked to Daniels door and softly knocked. I already know this is going to be a long ass day. After a good 30 seconds he came and answered the door shirtless. I about collapsed right then and there because that boy got my stomachs feeling all types of ways. this boy is fine as hell. Wooh, lord Jesus help me not to pounce on this beautiful creature you have made with your bare hands. Okay, let me calm down before I go crazy.

Me : I'm ready to go, I'll wait down stairs for you. (I say not making eye contact)

Daniel : Okay (he says in a deep sexy voice that sends shivers down my back)

I quickly walked down the stairs to avoid anything he might try to pull. I walked in the kitchen and grabbed some hot chips and walked out to see Daniel standing by the door on his phone. That was quick. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door and got in the car. Daniel came a few seconds later.

Me : Before we go to the store we have to make a little stop. Is that okay with you?

Daniel : Yesssss (he says in a flirtatious way.)

I playfully rolled my eyes and pulled out of the driveway. After about 15 minutes I pulled into Justin's drive way and got out. I looked over at Daniel and he didn't move.

Me : What are you doing, get out..

Daniel : Oh okay.

He got out the car and followed me to the door. I rang the for bell and and girl a little taller than me answered the door. She took one look at me and rolled her eyes. Bitch bop, nobody give a damn about the camera lenses you call eyes. You better get somewhere.

Me : Im looking for Justin.

Girl : I know, I know, come on in

Me and Daniel walked in to see Justin sitting on the couch. He looked surprised to see D but I don't give a fuck. I sat down on the couch and D sat next to me. A little to close and Justin noticed. I didn't move at all though because I don't want to lose focus.

Me : Tell me the truth. Don't sugar coat and do all of that extra shit, I want the whole truth, nothing but the truth or so help me God I will skin your ass alive..….

Justin : Okay, umm how do I start.

Girl : How about you start off with the fact that you are a cheating bastardized whore!! By the way, my name is Miracle, Justin's girlfriend for 2 motherfucking worthless years.

Daniel : What's going on?

Justin : Can I maybe tell you la-

Miracle : If you are not going to tell her, how about I do! Me and Justin have been dating for 2 years. He just up and left me and when I found him. I found him with another girl. (Turns her attention to Justin) I thought you said that you were going to try to make this long distance relationship work. But as you all can see it didn't. Justin, I'm through with you and Taylor, I think you deserve so much better. I'm out.

She grabbed her things and left. Justin came out of no where and was on his knees in front of me begging me not to go. I looked over at Daniel and he looked pissed.

Justin : Oh I see, you are whoring a-

I bapped (slapped) him right across his face.

Me : I'm done with you Justin. I really can't believe you. I actually cried over you when I found out. I really don't cry over boys, no, I don't cry over people in general. Just, ugh!! Stay away from me! Come on D!!

Daniel followed me out of the house and into the car. I rushed to the store with tears blurring my vision. Once I parked I started crying and hitting the steering wheel. I looked over at a worried Daniel. I don't know what came over me but I crashed my lips into his. It was the greatest feeling ever. Like I said the other day, it feel so right and not to mention good.


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