Madison + Ray = Rayison

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Madison POV

I woke up to my baby crying. To my surprise the baby sounded like a real one. I went down stairs and made a bottle. I went back up stairs and fed the baby. It automatically stopped crying. I put the baby down and checked the time on my phone. It said 5:33. I might as well get dressed for school since I'm up. I went and looked through my closet looking for something to where. I pulled out a purple polka dotted long sleeve button up shirt, with khaki pants, and a purple headband to match. I know what you are thinking. Why I'm all sophisticated; well I like to dress like a boss. Not like them thug bosses but like Mrs. Ceo. I know its weird but I kind of look fly. I went in the rest room and did my hygiene stuff and did my hair. I put my hair into a neat bun on top of my head. I looked at the time again and it said 6:54. I didn't think it took me that long to get dressed. Oh well. Today I and Ray are going to find a name for our life science project which is the baby. I was thinking Tyler but Ray said it was a white name. I think he is so racist sometimes. I went down stairs to watch TV. My phone started to ring. It was Ray. I picked it up and said "Why the fuck are you calling me this early in the morning? He said it is 8:00 seems like we are both late to school. I looked at my phone again and it said 8:05. Shit I am late. I hung up the phone grabbed my bag and my keys and went out the door. I hopped in my car and stumped on the gas. I ran a few red lights and flipped a few people off and then I was finally at school. I got out the car to see Mauri sitting on the curb crying.

Me : Mauri are you okay? ( I say with a concerned tone.)

Mauri : Yes I am fine I just have bad allergies and you know it's allergy season.(says with a chuckle)

Me : Girl do notlie to me I know when something is wrong with you. And you eyes look like they were sucked into a vacuum.

Mauri : I said I'm fine.

Me : Please don't lie to me. I am your best friend you can tell me anything.

Mauri : I'd rather not.

Me : Alright you have forced me to do this. You have forced me to ell one of my corny jokes. So what did the ocean say to the sand?

Mauri : What?

Me : It didn't say anything it just kept on waving!!! Lol!!!

Mauri : You always find a way to cheer me up with your corny ass jokes. AHAHA!!

Me : Well when you are ready to tell me what is bothering you so much you know where to find me.

And with that I got up and left into the school. I went to my locker to grab my books for my next 2 classes which is life science and social studies. When I dropped my social studies text book someone immediately bent down and helped me pick the-m up. When i looked up at the person to thank them my gratitude turned into annoyance.

Me : Ray what do you want ?

Ray : And hello to you too and I am doing fine thanks for asking. (nothing but sarcasm in his voice.

Me : Ray I am not in the mood for youir bullshit because I am already late for class, my friend is outside crying his eyes out, and Iam trying my best not to get caught by a teacher for being late to class.

Ray : I just wanted to say come to my house at 4 after school so we can work on our projects name. Okay?

Me : Okay, thats fine with me as long you dont try no funny business. (says with a smirk)

Ray : I cannot promise anything (with that he smacked madison on the butt and ran to class before madison could respond)

Madison : This nigga hear.

After School....

As I walked to my baby daddy's house (see what I did there..No..Okay) I was wondering what if Ray did end up being my boyfriend. Eww why am I thinking about this. I mean I wouldn't mind going out with him you know because he is soo hot . I wonder how he is in b-Before I could finish my thought I was right in front of Rays big house. I thought to myself here goes nothing. I went up to the door and before I could knock Ray answered the door with a huge smile on his face. Creeepy!!

Me : Umm...Hi Ray!!!

Ray : Hi Madison..

Me : Are you going to let me in or stare at me like a weirdo?

Ray : Come on in.

I walked in his house and the smell of tacos immediatley hit my nose like a pile of bricks. I looked around his living room which was very beautiful. The curtains matched the couch pillows and the whole environment was very cozy. I sat down on the couch and begin to take out my work so we can get this over with. Ray mimicked my actions by taking out his work also. I turned around to see Ray staring at me.

Me : Why are you staring at me, do I have something on my face?

Ray : Umm..No, it's just that you are so, so (pushes a stray hair out my face)

Me : So what..?

Ray : Nvermind lets get back to work... So what names are you thinking of for the baby?

Me : I am still thinking of Tyler but I guess that is too "white" for you so I am out of thoughts..what about you?

Ray : How about we put our names together? You know like them parents do for their children...

Me : I guess somy first thought issssss....Radison?

Ray : Yeahhh... Noo that is the stupidest name I have ever heard!!!

Me : Well do you have another name smart ass?

Ray : Matter of fact I do..How about May?

Me : The Fuck, nigga no that is a gay asss name. No offense to gays but no that is not going to work.

Ray : Wait I have one more I think you are going to like it...

Me : Shoot.

Ray : Rayison..

Me : Umm.. I kind of like it.

Ray : Do you want to watch a movie or something?

Me : (looks at watch)WellI can manage to get in onemovie before heading out.

Ray : Wentowards the TV and popped in my favorite movie "The Breakfast Club".

An hour into the movie I felt Ray's arm around my neck. I was about to protest but then I just said forget about it. After the movie Ray helped me gather my things. He walked me to the door. When I stepped out of the door I turned around to thank him but he had other things in mind. When I turned around to thank him he crashed his lips into mine. My knees turned into jelly. He felt me falling so he caught me without breaking the kiss. All I could think was "OMG"!

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