Im In Love

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Mauri POV

Me : I'm in love with Chresanto!

Taylor : The Fuck .....

Me : What ?!?!!

Taylor : Your in love with your bully and you are expecting me to accept that shit i mean he barely does anything but he doesn't even try to help you when Jacob is beating your ass half to death and you have the  nerve to fall in love with that bitch of all people man shit what the fuck is going through your mind.

Me : I'm sorry Taylor but love is love and i cannot control who I'm in love with i mean damn can you at least be a bff and accept that shit.

Taylor : You know what that's you I'm out of it. Don't call me when yall get together and he whoops your ass everyday.

Me : Taylor i thought you of all people would understand that love is love. To tell the truth i don't want to love him but my heart is saying something else. I try to avoid my feelings for him but I cant help it a-

~Phone Rings~

Mauri looks at her caller ID to see its her older brother Craig.

~Phone Call~

Craig : Hello

Me : Hello Craig what do you want ?

Craig : Mauri the game is over so you can come home now because it is getting late and I'm starting to worry about you.

Me : I'm OK. I am going to be over there in 5 minutes ok just calm down I was at Taylor house.

Craig : Ok I will see you when you get home. Bye.

Me : Bye

~End of Phone Call~

Me : Taylor I got to go but I will call you when I get home. He probably is pulling a trick on me but I can handle it and plus I am tired and i want to be in my bed so I will talk to you later.

~At Mauri House~

Me : ( when I walked in the door Craig and his friends poured water all over me and threw the bucket at my head. I just stood there and looked at my whole new outfit drenched with water. I couldn't even say anything. All I could do was look at their faces one time then walk to my room but i couldn't even do that without Ray grabbing me by my shirt and pulling me on the ground. I tried to get up and run but that's when Jacob jumped in front of me and pushed me back. HARD!! So hard that I thought I had a concussion when my head hit the floor.)

Me : Oh my gosh can yall just leave me alone i cant even walk in my own house without yall fucking with me why cant yall go bother someone else instead of making my life a living hell.( With tears rolling down my face)

All they did was look at me. Chres walked into the room and looked at me and i could tell he saw tears rolling down my face. He walked over to me and took my hand and led me up the stairs. He took me in my room and locked the door so no one could get in. He turned on my shower. He came and sat by me and looked at me.

Me : Why are you doing this? ( I say breaking the silence.)

Chres : What?Being nice to you. Well I'm doing this because all of these years i have seen how the boys treat you and I just stand there and do nothing. I see how all those times they hurt you but I keep asking myself how much more can you take until you give up. I say you are a very strong person. Down stairs I saw the look on your face and it hurt me like deep down in my heart. I don't know why it heart me to see you cry but then I realized that I'm in love with you. I realized that them hurting you is bad but me not doing anything to stop it is even worse. Mauri I know you probably don't believe me but I am in love with you.

I looked up at him to see tears rolling down his face and I swear all I could do was hug him. He laid his head in my chest and we sat there for a while. After a couple of minutes he looked up at me and then he did the unexpected. He crashed his lips into mine.

Me : (Pushing him away) What was that for ?!?

Chres : I am so sorry i didn't mean to do that. I thought we had a moment and I wanted to kiss your lips soo bad so I just went in for the kill.

Me : I love you too.

His eyes got super wide and he just stared at me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer but before he could kiss me I saw steam coming from under the bathroom door.

Me : I'm sorry I forgot about the shower. Well I don't feel right in these sticky clothes so i got to take a shower and I'm tired so can i talk to you later.

Chres : Sure do you have my number

Me : Yeah I have your number.

Chres : I'm spending the night here so if you need anything just let me know.

Me : OK

Chres gets up and walks out of my room. I get up and go take a shower. When I get out of the shower I plop down on my bed and think about what just happened between me and Chres and how he poured out his heart to me. I fell asleep with that on my mind and how my life is actually turning into something good.

Comment if you like and vote if you want more. I bet all yall feel hurt because you thought she was in love with Jacob . Lol I feel for you I really Really do.

Do you think that Jacob is going to get jealous once he finds out what happened between Mauri and Chres?

Do you think Mauri will find out that Jacob also has deep feelings for her?

Will Jacob and Chres choose love over friendship. Keep reading and voting if you want to find out.

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