1. catching up with old friends

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wednesday, june 28, 2017

i pulled my shirt down and fixed my hair in front of the door. i was nervous to finally see liza again after 2 years. i have known liza since preschool but we didn't actually become best friends until middle school. i had grown fond of her as the years went by, she never really had any friends because she was teased a lot for looking like a little brown boy in a mostly caucasian city. we grew up in completely different house holds but had a different life at school compared to home. it was weird that we even became friends but not to us, to us it made complete sense.

although i hadn't seen liza in a long time because she moved out to la, we still texted a lot and we would call and facetime but it wasn't the same. i told her i was going to new york with my friends from back home but instead i came here to LA. she had begged me multiple times before to come visit but i felt like she didnt need a friend from back home to get in the way of all the great things she was doing.

yet here i was, waiting to gain enough courage to knock on the door but i couldnt bring myself to do it. i heard the elevator door open from my right and decided i didn't want to look like a creep and just knocked. i waited a few seconds before knocking again and hearing my best friend on the other side of the door.

"im coming! jeesh." liza said from the other side of the door before flinging it wide open. "eliizabetta?" liza looked shocked and confused before a huge smile covered her face and she jumped on me for a hug.

"liza." i smiled into the familiar scent of green apple that was lizas hair. "i missed you L." i sighed happy to see her after almost 2 years. she had gone to visit houston but i was at school and was always busy so i was not able to see her.

"i missed you to E." she smiled. "god it feels like its been forever." she let go and looked at me smiling still. "come in we got to catch up in person." she said and pulled me into her apartment. it was huge and white with black stairs leading up to the kitchen and living area. "talk to me E." she said while walking into her kitchen to get us some coffee while i sat on the tall chair and leaned on the counter.

"well... i got tired of home and i missed you so why not?" i shrugged and she rolled her eyes. "i wanted to surprise you so i looked for an apartment online and booked a flight out here." i smiled and continued, "i can't believe im here.. i thought i would never get out of houston but here i am in LA with my best friend." i smiled happily at the tiny girl sat across from me drinking her coffee. "thank you by the way." i said raising the cup of coffee and taking a sip. "your turn."

"well... i just moved into this place a while ago which is great. we started season two of freakish and just went to vidcon with all of my other friends who you should totally meet. thats about it really, nothing much." she said before shrugging. i smiled and we continued talking and catching up. we talked about youtube, instagram, school, boys, her friends, coffee, her fans, vidcon, and anything/everything else.

instagram posts:

lizakoshy: after almost two years i get to see this beaut🥀❤️

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lizakoshy: after almost two years i get to see this beaut🥀❤️

tagged: elizabettagreen

liked by daviddobrik, elizabettagreen, ernst, thegabbieshow, jasonnash and 552,852 others


username1: whos that?👀

username2: shes so pretty

durtedom: how old is she?

jasonnash: david just breathed in so fast he started choking

username3: @jasonnash literally me shes so beautiful

ernst: as the kids these days would say... shook

elizabettagreen: thank you lovely💛

elizabettagreen: i couldnt stay away

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elizabettagreen: i couldnt stay away... she makes the best coffee what can i say?

tagged: lizakoshy, lizzzak

liked by jennygreen, lizakoshy and 853 others


jennygreen: you've been gone 1 day and i already miss my favorite cousin💜

lizakoshy: best brown coffee comes from the best brown girl💛

username4: lizzzaaaaa

daviddobrik followed elizabettagreen

ernst followed elizabettagreen

durtedom followed elizabettagreen

thegabbieshow followed elizabettagreen

jasonnash followed elizabettagreen

+863,975 others followed elizabettagreen


i love david dobrik and his whole vlog squad and diza has a special place in my heart but i feel like theres so many diza fanfics and some people would rather read other ones where diza doesnt exist so i decided why not?

thats it for todays chapter thanks for reading this (@ anyone who actually is) dont forget to like and comment anything else to add yall?

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