20. happy birthday

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november 2, 2017

"happy birthday bitch!" my friends yelled from the table at jitters. i had quit a few weeks ago since my youtube channel was taking off. it had been 3 months since david and i started seeing each other and we've been dating for 2. it was my birthday today and i was at brunch with the whole group before a party at the guys house later.

"jesus christ, you guys are so loud. thank you." i laughed. they had rented out jitters and invited anyone and everyone i knew.

"it's your 21st birthday we get to be loud!" zane yelled and hugged me.

"maybe if you wanted to go to vegas it would be acceptable." heath laughed and i rolled my eyes.

"although vegas is very fun, it's just not my scene." i smiled.

"it wasn't mine at all and i went." david said and pulled me into a hug.

"but your david dobrik, footage at vegas makes you thrive on youtube." i chuckled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

david rolled his eyes and chuckled a bit, "happy birthday." he whispered into my ear and kissed my lips.

"david stop hogging her!" liza yelled and david pulled away with a smile. "happy birthday." liza smiled at me and gave me a hug.

"thank you." i smiled into the hug. "you guys really went all out." i grinned and looked around jitters. it was beautifully decorated with happy birthday banners and balloons.

"if it's for my best friend it has to be perfect." she smiled.

"i'd like to make a toast!" david said as he stood up from the dinner table. everyone turned to face him including me. it was now just my close friends and i at a restaurant in la to celebrate before midnight at the club.

"elizabetta marie green, where do i start? we have had our fair share of ups and downs but nevertheless we push through it, and we come out on top. you have been my everything for the past few months and i couldn't have asked for a better girlfriend. you are so strong and beautiful. i adore every bit of you. you are an amazing person inside and out and i wish there was more people in the world like you. i hope you have an amazing birthday and that you get laid tonight because that means i get laid tonight and that's awesome." david joked causing everyone to erupt into laughter as i facepalmed and shook my head. "happy birthday el." he smiled and we all cheered.

"thank you." i said to him and kissed his cheek.

"anything for you."he whispered and gave me a short sweet kiss.

"ahem!" liza yelled, capturing everyone's attention. "i'd also like to make a toast, hopefully not as sexual as davids." liza joked and we all laughed. "anyways, E, you have been through so much and i'm so beyond proud of you for making it this far. i remember those nights of you sneaking in through the bedroom windows that i left open for you. i remember helping you wrap up the cuts from your step dad. i remember being with you at the hospital when you were stabbed. i remember it all. everything from to your childhood, your teenage years, and now you finally made it. you are by far the strongest person i know and i can't wait to see what life has in store for you. you have made it through so much as much as you wanted to just end it, you're here, you're happy, and your healthy. you deserve every good thing coming your way. i love you E. happy birthday." she smiled with a few tears flowing down her face. i smiled, a few tears going down my face as well.

"i love you too liza." i smiled and gave her a short hug.

"21 bitches!" i yelled as we all cheered and downed a shot. we all laughed and continued dancing. david and i were dancing just like at his birthday party and it was wonderful. we had been here for a few hours having the best time of our lives.

"im glad you're having fun." david smiled.

"whenever i'm with you im having fun." i laughed and bought him in for a kiss.

i laughed as david put the blindfold on me, "what's happening?" i said while laughing. it was currently 4am in the morning and david brought me back to his house to show me something.

"just wait i got you something." david smiled and pulled me towards whatever it is.

"is it a snake?" i asked and stopped in my tracks.

david laughed, "no, but now i know what to get for next time." he joked. i laughed and stumbled a few more steps with him.

"just to remind you, it's my birthday so please don't kill me." i joked as david put me to a halt.

"it's not going to kill you." david said and removed my blindfold. i looked ahead of me in confusion.

"what?" i asked as i stared at the little red box on the bed.

"open it." david smiled and pulled me to the bed. i picked up the box and examined it. i looked back at david who had a huge smile on his face.

"david.. you didn't have to do this." i said.

"just open it el." he urged me. i nodded and opened the box to see a beautiful gold ring. it had some flower details along the ring and it was beautiful. "do you like it? liza helped me pick it out. i suck at these kinds of things and i didn't know if you like simple jewelry or like that diamond shit-"

"it's perfect david." i smiled up at the boy. "you're perfect." i grinned and pulled him down for a kiss.


so this is a new chapter that i added to the book because i realized i skipped her birthday but it's not that long because i want to finish editing the rest of the book

anyways i hoped you guys enjoyed it i'll see y'all soon!


thats it for todays chapter thanks for reading @char_dancer
dont forget to vote and comment anything else to add yall?

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