26. silly things

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friday, december 1, 2017

"do you miss him?"

"very much so."

"then why aren't you with him?"

"because im no good for him."

"what do you mean by that?"

"i hurt him."


"i put him through so much that he shouldn't have had to go through."



"who's anthony?"

"my ex boyfriend.."

"go on..."

"from texas, he would beat me... when i came here he followed and found me... he beat me again and almost raped me... the police got him and he's in jail now."

"for how long?"

"15 years."

"is that good or bad?"


"how so?"

"good because he's locked up, bad because he'll get out and find me again."

"why do you think that?"

"i've been devoted to that man for years.. i know how his brain works, what he's thinking, what he's planing."

"how did this hurt david?"

"i couldn't be with him because of it."

"why not?"

"because i wasn't ready."

"you weren't ready or you were afraid of being hurt?"

"i was afraid of being hurt and hurting him."

"but you eventually got with him?"

"uhh.. yeah..."

"why were you hesitant about that?"

"because i was seeing someone before him."



"and who is jc?"

"an old friend from texas."

"why were you with him and not david?"

"because david and i got in an argument and i slept with jc after. he became my rebound."



"and david found out?"

"yeah.. jc and i were really public about our relationship."

"how did david take this?"

"he was annoyed, mad, we didn't talk."

"huh... and how are you and jc now?"

"we're... not talking."


"he lied to the internet about what happened with our relationship after we broke up."

"what did he say?"

"that i cheated on him and treated him bad."

"did you?"

"of course not."

"so why would he say that?"

"because he hates me and thinks i didn't care for him."

"do you?"

"i care for him."

"but you're not talking to him?"

"he caused me a lot of pain with that video."

"how so?"

"i got a lot of hate from people... and it got to me."

"how did it get to you?"

"i started thinking about things."

"what things?"

"silly things."


"hurting myself."

"that's not a silly thing."

"i know... but i didn't do anything... i almost did."

"what do you mean almost?"

"i drove to a bridge."

"but you didn't jump?"

"i got on the ledge, but i didn't jump."

"do you still get hate?"


"why didn't you jump?"

"david dobrik."

"what about him?"

"i love him, and i couldn't do that to him."

"have you talked to david at all?"

"not since the day i left him."

"why not?"

"because it would hurt him."

"i don't think you will."

"trust me, i will."

"you're hurting yourself being away from him."

"but hes doing just fine without me."

"elizabetta you've been looking worse and worse every meeting."


"you need him."

"but im protecting him."

"no, you may not have literally killed yourself but you're killing yourself being away from him."

"no i'm not."

"are you watching his vlogs?"


"you're hurting yourself. that's going to make things worse."

"he looks happy."

"for the cameras."

"no, i dont think so."

"he loves you elizabetta."

"but i hurt him."

"all of that is over with though. there's no more anthony, no more jc, you can be with him now."


"our time is up, our next meeting is scheduled for next year."




i know i know

i've been mia

but school is out and winter break is on so yay i get to update

this is just a small lil chapter on ellie and one of her therapy sessions she's had while she's been gone

the next chapter will be much more david filled along with the vlog squad

i didn't put much in on what she's been doing but that stuff will be revealed throughout the next few chapters i hope we'll see


make sure to check out my other david ff "instagram" it's lit i'll be updating that one a lot on vacation too and it's drama filled aswell wassup

thats it for todays chapter thanks for reading this @alexernstt
dont forget to vote and comment anything else to add yall?

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