10. my name jeff

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i sat in my hospital bed in shock, just waiting for someone to show up. they contacted liza just as i arrived to the hospital but they didn't let me speak to her or anything so i don't know what they told her. i was hoping that she didn't tell the whole squad but knowing her she probably did. i had just came back from my x-ray scans and everything went well, i didn't have any huge damage just a couple bruises on my ribs.

"E." liza said from the doorway with tears strolling down her face. one look at my crying best friend instantly made me start crying again.

"L." i cried and she slowly walked over to me. she went to place her hand on mine but didn't.

"i don't know what to say." she shook her head and wiped her tears. "everyone's waiting outside." she chuckled. "you tell one person and everyone shows up."

"i was almost raped."  i whispered in disbelief. liza pulled me into a hug as i started crying more. "i left my door open, how could i be so stupid? i knew he was here, and i left my door unlocked." i cried.

"it's not your fault." liza shushed me.

"he was waiting there, he knew about david, he's been watching me the past two weeks and i didn't even notice. he could've hurt all of you guys, he could've hurt david, o-or andrea, anyone of you guys and it's all because i moved here. i should've stayed in texas, i shouldn't have come here." i shook my head. "i'm so sorry liza."

"no you didn't, this isn't your fault, you didn't know he would follow you here, you didn't cause this, okay?" liza said and looked at me with hurt eyes.

"but i did!" i cried out and wiped my tears. we sat there in silence for a while, liza just saying a few comforting words before breaking the silence after about an hour.

"should i bring david in? or who should i bring in?" she asked and pulled away.

"i should come clean to everyone." i sighed.

"you sure? that's a lot of people." she questioned with a small smile.

"they deserve the truth." i said. she nodded and left my room, a few minutes everyone piled in, liza, david, scotty, toddy, jason, kristen, zane, heath, kam, andrea, gabbie, matt, carly, erin, corinna, and alex. one by one everyone greeted me with a small hug. david sat beside me on my left and liza was on my right. "so, i haven't been completely honest with most of you." i started with a shaky voice. liza held my hand and sent me a reassuring look to which i gave her one of gratitude.

"in houston, i had this boyfriend, we were together for three years and we really did love each other. i cared for him more than i have ever cared for anyone in my entire life, but towards the end of our relationship he didn't care for me. we moved in together when i finished high school but we started arguing more and he would come home drunk after going out with his friends. at first it was just dumb fight and he would throw things or punch a wall, then it started escalating and he would take it out on me." i said as tears started spilling. i pulled my hand away from liza and started playing with my fingers. everyone seemed so upset and the looked at me with hurt eyes.

"i didn't leave him because i was young and stupid. i grew up with my mom never really around, my dad left us when i was 12 and my step dad would also beat me. i didn't know what love was, and i didn't think i would ever find it again." i said, my voice still shaking. "so i stayed, and one night he came home high and drunk, something i have never seen before, and he stabbed me." i cried. i pulled up my shirt to show them all. it was about a 1 1/2 inch scar. they all gasped and gabbie looked away. "i went to the hospital and didn't tell anyone besides liza, i told them not to call my parents or any relatives. they did some x-rays and stitched me up, luckily he didn't hit anything major. i told them i fell while washing the dishes and they believed it and didn't question anything. i begged liza not to tell anyone because like i said, i was head over heels in love with this guy and i couldn't leave him. then once i started realizing how stupid i was.. i left him. i moved in with a friend from college for a few months and then i came here." everyone seemed really sad in the room and some even had tears flowing down their faces.

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