9. get out

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*trigger warning*

wednesday, july 19, 2017

it has been 2 weeks since david and i went on our first date. we still haven't kissed although we've been on another 4 dates. we haven't heard anything from anthony which is good, and i also haven't spoken to jc. andrea said that when she last texted him he asked about me and she told him that i was dating david and he got really sad. i felt bad for jc and i knew i needed to talk to him to make sure he was okay but i was too scared of making things more awkward.

i tossed and turned all night last night and barely got any sleep. when david called me at 9 in the morning to head over to the guys house i almost didn't go, but because i wanted to see everyone i did. i got ready and headed over to the guys house hoping to tan by the pool and just relax or something. i quickly got out of the car and walked into the house. i heard talking but no one was in the living room. i walked into the kitchen not finding anybody.

"hello?!" i yelled through out the house.

"hello." david came up from behind me and gave me a hug. i yelped but laughed anyways.

"hi." i said once i turned to face him.

"what did you need me for?" i asked and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"just wanted to see you." he shrugged and laid his head on my shoulder. we stayed there in silence just hugging each other.

"are you guys like super glued together?" scotty said when i walked into the kitchen to get a bottle of water. i laughed and pulled away from david and held his  hand instead.

"hi scotty." i smiled.

"hey, how have you been?" he asked and gave me a small hug.

"good, you?" i asked back.

"good, thank you for asking." he smiled. "ill be in my room." he said and walked away.

"where's everyone else?" i asked to david.

"toddy and jason are in their rooms, and kristen is at work." he said. i nodded and pulled him to the living room. as soon as i sat down i yawned.

"tired?" he asked and sat next to me. i nodded and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"i didn't get any sleep last night." i yawned again.

"why? whats wrong?" he asked while rubbing my back.

"anthony..." i said truthfully and looked up to face him. he frowned and looked down at his lap. "i've been worried about him finding me. i had these dreams last night that were either something that happened when we were together or a situation where he finds me." i sighed.

"do you still love him?" david questioned.

"i definitely don't want to see him, or be with him, but he was my first real relationship it was hard to leave him because i was so far up his ass." i shook my head. "he's still in my heart, but you're quickly kicking him out." i smiled up at david. he smiled at those words and laid us down on the couch.

"lets go to sleep then." he yawned and closed his eyes. i nodded and cuddled into him. it seemed as though all we did was sleep together.

"why does this always happen?"

"we should just keep them away from anywhere they could sleep on so they don't fall asleep."

"but it's so cute."

"he adores her."

"she adores him."

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