7. you look cute everyday

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wednesday, july 5, 2017

"so how was your fourth of july?" stephanie asked me from across the caffe. we were setting it up for opening hour at 6am.

"crazy." i sighed as i wiped the table down. "how was yours?"

"lots of alcohol." she laughed and took the chairs off of tables and setting it up. "where did you go?"

"to my friends house, did some stuff for their youtube channels, partied." i said and moved onto the next table. "what about you?"

"the same besides the youtube channel." she said and went to get the stuff to put on the table.

"sorry im late!" a girl exclaimed from the front door and rushed to the back room to put her stuff away, put her apron on, and clock in.

"who was that?" i asked stephanie.

"thats franny, she works here too." she started setting stuff on the tables i already cleaned.

"don't be late again franny ." jack said, emerging from the back room door.

"i wont, my roommates were being a hassle. i'm so sorry." she apologized and went into the kitchen.

"thats okay." he said and went through the cash register. "we all done for opening?" he asked all of us.

"yup." i said and i finished wiping down the last table.

"okay." he said and flipped the 'closed' sign to 'open'. just a few minutes after people started piling in. franny , stephanie, jack and i started waiting tables and the cooks started cooking.

*lizas pov*

"where should we go for lunch?" i asked gabbie and david.

"chipotle?" david suggested.

"let's go see elizabetta!" gabbie proclaimed. "its her first day on the job, we should go check on her."

"where does she work?" david asked confused.

"she works at jitters." i answered and got up to leave. "c'mon." i said and walked out of gabbies place with them following me. david drove us to jitters that was just a few blocks away from gabbies. the place was pretty packed but still enough room for more people.

"welcome to jitters, table for three?" the hostess said. we all nodded and followed the girl to the table. "your waiter will be just with you." she said and set down the menu before leaving.

"hello, my names elizabetta, i'll be your waitress for today." E said and pulled out her note pad.

"we know who you are E." i laughed at her.

"its procedure." she shrugged. "so do you guys want to start with drinks? or are you guys ready to order?" E asked and got ready to write.

"just the drinks for now, thank you." gabbie spoke.

"ill get orange juice please." i said.

"water." gabbie ordered.

"coffee." david said and smiled at E.

"okay, ill be right back." she said and walked off. i caught david watching her as left.

"david?" i asked and nudged him.

"huh?" he snapped back to reality and looked at me.

"you okay there?" i joked. "seemed a little distracted by E."

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