4. jeep wrangler

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saturday, july 2, 2017

its been two days since the party and i havent seen anyone but liza. she stopped by the day after to drop off all of my kitchen supplies and then she took me grocery shopping and she recorded a video for her youtube. she stayed over that night and helped me set up the rest of my apartment which was really kind of her.

i havent talked to david since the night at the park and it left me feeling kind of sad. i was hoping i would at least get a 'hi' or something but i didn't. i ignored it and just assumed he was busy trying to get footage for his vlog. i started to think about toddy and how we danced. i will admit, toddy was fine as hell, but he wasn't really my type. he reminded me a lot of my ex boyfriend and how he was always trying to get into my pants towards the end, but i never let it happen.

we started dating when i was 17, a junior in high school but broke up a few months ago. it was definitely hard leaving him after 3 years of loving him. we were best friends but he ruined it when he cheated on me multiple times and because i loved him so much i would just go back to him. it really sucked but now that i was far away from him i could finally get over him and hopefully move on. a knock on my door was heard while i was finishing my makeup for the day. i went over to the door unlocking it and greeting the person.

"hey david." i smiled and gave him a questioning look. i didn't mind him being here, it just suprised me.

"hey el. is it okay if i call you el? elizabettas too long." i watched him talk really fast and it made me laugh.

"yeah, thats fine." i giggled, "come in." i moved to the side and let david into my apartment. "what brings you here?"

"i got bored at the guys house and asked liza for your adress, sorry if i interrupted anything. were you going somewhere?" he looked me up and down making me feel self cautious.

"liza was just about to come get me so we could go see if i could buy a cat." i smiled a bit and sat on the couch with david.

"i like your place." david said looking around.

"thank you." i blushed. "would you like some water or something?" i asked him and stood up to walk to the kitchen.

"yeah, waters good, thank you." he stood up and walked around my living room. i saw him pick up a picture frame and frown. "is this him? your ex?" he asked. i walked over to him and handed him the water.

"um.. yeah, thats him." i looked at the picture and took it from davids hands before shoving it in a random drawer.

"is it okay if i asked what happened with you two?" he sat next to me.

"he cheated on me... a lot. at first i didn't know and then i started noticing that he was going out a lot and not texting back. so i went to his apartment one day to confront him and he was with another girl. we talked about it and he gave me some made up bullshit and i stayed with him because i loved him, but it kept happening and one day i just couldn't do it anymore, i couldn't allow myself to get hurt by him anymore so i ended it." i leaned back onto the couch and looked over at david.

"im sorry, i shouldn't have asked." he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into his chest.

"it's okay, i was bound to explain it to you anyway." i shrugged and hugged him back. i felt so safe in his arms, like i could fall asleep with him in that postion forever. "i shouldn't have brought that picture anyways. it's a lot of bad memories."

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