8. pinche chismosas

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after work i headed straight home to get ready for david and i's date tonight. i texted him earlier asking what kind of event i should be getting ready for and he said casual but cute. i decided on wearing some black ripped jeans with flower patches on them, i put on a white bandeau that laced together, and some red converse. i did my makeup light but with red lipstick and let my hair flow naturally. as soon as i finished getting ready there was a knock at my door.

"coming!" i yelled and put all my makeup away. i walked over to the door and opened it so see a smiling david. he was wearing all black like always but instead of a hat he was wearing a bandana. "hello." i smiled at him.

"hey, you ready?" he asked. i nodded and grabbed my bag and keys to leave with him. i locked my door and walked with david down the hallway. "how was work?"

"good, busy today." i shrugged. "how was filming?" i asked.

"good, just went over to the guys house for some bits." he shrugged. our hands laced together once we hit the elevator and i tried my hardest not to show how happy i was.

"so, where are we going?" i asked david and leaned on the wall of the elevator.

"we're just gonna go out to eat, walk around hollywood, then head back to my place to watch some movies and just talk." he said, "simple, hope that's okay." he blushed.

"that sounds perfect." i grinned and kissed his cheek.

the whole drive to the restaurant was filled with conversation, i got to know him deeper, and he got to know me deeper, we talked about his youtube channel and all of our friends, it was wonderful. once we got to the cute little restaurant david hurried out of the car to open my door and held out his hand for me to hold. i grabbed it and got out. he opened the door to the restaurant for me and we walked up to the lady.

"we have reservations for two under david." david said to the lady. she looked through her book and nodded.

"follow me." we followed her to a little table by the bar and we sat down as she set our menus down.

"your waiter will be with you in a second." she smiled at us both and walked away. i flipped through the menu and looked through the drink options deciding on pink lemonade.

"what are you going to get?" david asked while he still looked through the menu.

"probably some chicken tenders." i grinned.

"chicken tenders?" david raised an eyebrow at me. i nodded with a sheepish grin on my face and shut my menu.

"you can never go wrong with chicken tenders." i giggled and crossed my arms. "what are you going to get?"

"bacon cheeseburger." he said.

"basic." i joked.

"hey, hey, hey, its only basic if there is not bacon." he defended himself. i raised my hands up and backed away from the table a bit.

"my bad, jeesh, who knew you would get so offended." i mocked, he laughed and set his menu down to look at me.

"hello, my name is stacy, i'll be your waiter for tonight, are you guys ready to order or should we start with drinks?" she asked. david said we were ready to order and he said what he wanted to drink and to eat and the lady was on her way.

"so.." he dragged out the 'o'.

"what?" i asked and scoffed back in properly.

"do you miss your parents?" david asked out of no where. i haven't actually gotten into my current family situation, just how my family was like when i was younger.

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