32. every word

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i drove away from the guys house in a hurry, tears welded up in my eyes and my vision blurred. i wiped them away and focused on my driving. my body shook of rage, and sadness as tears streamed down my face. i drove away down the street making a sharp turn into a busy street. my phone rang and rang nonstop. i looked down at my phone in the cup holder next to me. i reached down to pick it up and shut it off. david was calling, i had multiple messages and missed calls from everyone and many voicemail. i cried more, and then everything stopped. my car ran into the one in front of me and my head collided with the drivers wheel. it was silent for a while, my eyes were shut and i felt my body numb. then i heard people yelling and car doors shutting.

"someone call the police!" i heard a voice yell. i couldn't move, my body was to week. my head was hurting and i couldn't understand what was happening. the sirens were heard and people called out for me.

"ma'am!" someone yelled and shoved me lightly. i tried to open my eyes and look at them but i couldn't. i tried to move but i couldn't. then there was a touch on my neck, like someone was looking for my pulse. "she's alive!" he announced and i heard a bunch of people sigh.

"let's get her out of there." someone else said and they worked their way through the door to get to me.

then everything else was a blurr. i don't remember what happened after that my brain shut off and everything went black.


"where is she?!" david yelled.

"sir you need to calm down." the nurse said and tried to calm david down.

"where is she? where is my el!?" david yelled.

david. david was here. but where's here? am i dead? what's going on?

"family and friends of elizabetta grace green?" the doctor asked and a rush of yes' was heard from the group of friends. "are any of you immediate family?"

"she doesn't have any family, we're her family." liza said.

"okay, ms. green was in a car crash, we believe she was checking her phone when the collision happened. she is in critical care at the moment and is in a coma." the group started crying. "we don't know when she is going to wake up, could be day, months years, it's hard to tell." he finished.

"who here is david?" the nurse asked.

"i-i am." david volunteered.

"are you her boyfriend or something?" the same person asked.

"yeah." he replied.

my heart aches for him. he wasn't, not anymore.

"okay, we noticed that you were calling the most on her phone and it happened to be that she was checking your message when she was in the crash." the doctor said.

"wh-what?" david asked and then his cries were heard. "i caused this?" he asked.

no you didn't, david didn't cause this.

"no, you did not, would you guys like to see her?" the doctor asked and a chorus of yes' were heard again. then the group of friends walked into the door next to them and everyone shuffle into the room.

Anything [David Dobrik] REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now