14. sorry vegans

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monday, july 24, 2017

leaving vegas was sad, i really enjoyed my time there, just like alex said i would have a great time, i did. the car ride home i didn't go with david but instead with liza, gabbie, carly and erin, it was a bit cramped but it was fine. the whole 4-5 hour car ride to la was spent either sleeping or blasting our emo music and screaming the lyrics as we passed cars due to gabbies crazy driving.

"WHATS BEEN HAPPENING IN YOUR WORLD!" i yelled out the window to the lady in the car next to us. the girls all laughed as i carried on singing the lyrics to the lady. "ILL BE HERE WAITING EVER SO PATIENTLY FOR YOU YO SNAP OUT OF IT!" i yelled the arctic monkeys lyrics. the lady glanced at me in terror and went into the other lane and drove off. "rude." i frowned and rolled my window up. "did y'all see that? i was serenading the lady and she just drives off, how dare she, doesn't appreciate the art of terrible singing." i shook my head. the girls laughed and we carried on talking and singing to random people.

after getting home david and i were watching movies on the couch but were interrupted as jc texted me.

"jc? really?" david asked as he looked down at my phone.

"he was my best friend david." i sighed not ready to argue with him.

"you like him dont you? it's obvious he liked you and that you liked him when you were younger. maybe i should just back off and let you date him-" he rambled before i cut him off.

"david! stop please!" i yelled at the boy.

"are you serious!?" he yelled back at me.

"i just want to catch up with him!" i argued, getting frustrated with the boy standing in front of me.

"do you mean wait for him to try and make out with you? are you serious? the day after my birthday?" he looked at me in disbelief.

"no! you know i wouldn't do that to you!" i swung my arms around.

"do i?" he seethed.

"oh my god!" i couldn't believe he was getting mad at me over a text.

"sorry that you got a notification from a guy you shouldn't even be talking to!" he argued.

"shouldn't be talking to?" i looked at him in anger. "you don't decide who i can and can't talk to david!" i shouted. i felt bad for alex who only wanted to sleep but probably wasn't due to our arguing.

"he tried to kiss you! when we were seeing each other!" he yelled.

"he didn't know!" i signed in frustration.

"but you did! and you didn't stop him! now you want to go see him?" he fought back.

"he was one of my best friends growing up! i haven't seen him in years! god forbid i want to see how life's been treating him!" i yelled as tears started to spill.

"don't fucken cry right now." david sighed and covered his face with his hands.

"you're yelling at me without even knowing all of the details! you're just assuming! i'm not some slut that goes on dates with 2 boys at once! i'm a human being, i have friends that i want to talk to!" i started off yelling but stopped towards the end.

"we're you even going to tell me?" he asked.

"did you think i wouldn't? of course i was going to tell you, the reason it took so long was because i wasn't sure how you were going to react, obviously i can't tell you i have guy friends. do you want me to stop talking to scotty? toddy? jason? alex? zane?" i cried.

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