33. yeah you are!

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december 15, 2017

"thank you for staying with me." i said as i cuddled into david.

"anything for you." he smiled and kissed my forehead.

"i'm sorry i left you, i shouldn't have left out of no where and i should've actually talked to you." i said.

"it's okay. i'm sorry i slept with those girls, i shouldn't have done that, it's not who i am." he said and pulled me closer to him.

"it's okay, i understand." i shrugged and looked up at him. "people do stupid things when they're mad, i get it." i gave him a small smile.

"i love you." he smiled down at me.

"i love you." i replied and gave him a small kiss.

"ms. green." my doctor walked into the room.

"hello." i giggled as david hurried off of the bed because he wasn't supposed to be on here with me. my doctor glared and him and david apologized.

"so, we got the results back from your scans, and gathered all of your information and came to the conclusion of finally letting you go home." he smiled.

"thank god." i sighed in relief. "how's the other family?" i asked. my conscious was eating me alive not knowing how the family was doing.

"they're doing good, all healthy." he nodded.

"good." i smiled.

"would you like to meet them?" he asked, i looked over at david who gave me a shrug.

"are they here?" i asked and started playing with my fingers.

"yes, the mother wanted to talk." he smiled.

"ummm, okay." i nodded. i looked up at david who gave me another shrug.

"i'll be right back with them." he gave me a small smile and left the room.

"you sure you're okay with this?" david asked and took a seat next to me.

"yeah, i want to make sure they're okay." i chuckled. he nodded and gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

"i love you." david said and rubbed his thumb over my cheek.

"i love you too." i smiled and gave him a kiss on the lips. we pulled apart shortly after hearing a knock on the door. "come in." i said loud enough for them to hear. the mom came in with the rest of the family falling behind. they all looked worried and a bit terrified. they had a few light bruises, some had them in their faces, some on their arms.

"oh god." the teenage daughter said after taking a look at me.

"amanda!" the mom scolded her and i chuckled.

"it's okay, i know, i look terrible." i laughed, making them all smile.

"elizabetta right?" the mom asked and i nodded.

"what are your names?" i asked unsure.

"i'm chery, this is mike, amanda, oscar, and lola." she said with a smile.

"hello, this is my boyfriend david." i introduced him as david stood up to shake each of their hands.

"nice to meet you all." he gave them a small smile before taking a seat next to me.

"please, take a seat anywhere." i chuckled. "there's quite a few chairs that my friends left."

"you must have a lot of friends." the dad, mike said with a chuckle.

"a few." i blushed.

"so," the mom said and took a seat next to my bed by the end of it. "we mainly came to see what happened, talk about you, why you did what you did, how you did in the hospital, how you feel now, etc." she said.

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