29. shut it smith

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the girls and i were all talking in scott and kristen's room while the boys were all filming in the living room or outside.

"so how are you and david doing?" corinna asked.

"we're good." i smiled with a blush. "we spent all last night talking and just hanging out at my place." i grinned.

"just talking?" corinna raised her eyebrow with a smirk causing all the girls to laugh.

"y-yes." i blushed a bright red and looked away from all of them.

"liar. did you guys finally have sex?" kristen smiled.

"n-no." i stuttered, a dead give away of me lying.

"finally!" liza yelled and they all started laughing.

"shut up!" i laughed and covered my face with the pillow.

"you've kept the boy waiting for months!" corinna said while she laughed. "it's about time y'all had sex."

"i shouldn't have said anything." i chuckled.

"it's good! about time y'all fucked." gabbie laughed. "how was it?" she asked and wiggled her eyebrows.

"i'd rather not talk about this." i blushed and got up from the bed.

"that good?" kristen asked making us all laugh.

"what was that good?" scotty said once he walked into the room with his camera in hand. "hi ellie."

"hi scott." i smiled.

"now explain to the people where you've been." he asked in his deep voice and i laughed.

"i needed a break from social media." i said.

"must be nice." he nodded and so did i.

"scott we were having girl talk." kristen giggled.

"i can be a girl, tell me what's on your mind ladies." he sat on the bed and filmed each on of us.

"whether or not david is good in bed." corinna chuckled. scotty stiffened up and forced a chuckle.

"what?" he asked in disbelief.

"ellie and david finally had sex, so we were talking about how sex deprived david was." corinna said.

"corinna!" my eyes widened and i covered my face.

"woah." scotty shuffled off the bed. "i'm gonna go." he muttered and walked away.

"really corinna?" liza asked and gave a small glare to corinna.

"sorry." she muttered.

"it's fine don't worry about it." i gave her a small smile and went outside to see what the boys were doing.

david, heath, and scott were outside while david was filming scott blow cigarette smoke into heaths face.

"hey guys." i smiled and shut the door behind me. "where's link?" i asked and walked around the boys to find the dog.

"somewhere in the yard." scotty shrugged.

"okay." i nodded and walked around to find link. i walked over to the pool and found her playing with her chew toy. "hi link." i said in my baby voice and sat next to her and rubbed her belly. link happily layed down and let me rub her belly while she wagged her tail.

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