16. its your fault we got kicked out

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monday, july 31, 2017

"come out with me." jc said.

"where?" i asked him. i was sat in front of the register of my job that luckily didn't fire me because of all the stuff that's been going on.

"to the movies as soon as your off of work." he leaned on the counter and smiled at me.

"what are we going to watch?" i asked at him with a smile on my face.

"we can watch dunkirk? i know how you love one direction." he winked.

"you won't enjoy that though." i laughed.

"maybe." he shrugged with a smile.

"no, lets go watch spiderman! tom holland is super hot." i nodded my head.

"but i'm hotter." jc pointed out.

"mmmm... if you want to believe that then sure." i joked.

"shut up." jc chuckled and pulled me in for a short kiss. we pulled away at the sound of someone walking in.

"ellie." zane said with heath behind him. they glared at jc and walked up to the counter.

"zane." i said in shock. "table for 2?" i asked.

"5, we have 2 others coming." scotty said, trying to break the tension.

"okay, follow me." i said to them. "i'll see you later." i sent an apologetic look to jc and took the boys to their table. they all took their seats and i placed down their menu.

"your waiter will be right with you." i stammered and turned to walk away.

"can you be our waiter?" zane asked.

"take the table it's more tips." stephanie said while she passed behind me. "plus we need more people on deck than sitting at the front making out with their new boy toy." she joked and walked away.

"boy toy?" heath asked with a frown. "is she talking about jc?"

"should we start off with some drinks?" i faked a smile and changed the subject.

"3 coronas. so are you dating jc?" zane questioned me.

"no, its uh complicated." i said and wrote down their drink orders.

"you're hooking up with him though right?" heath asked.

"i don't think i should be discussing this with you guys." i shook my head.

"baby girl, you have been ignoring all of us because of this, we deserve to know the truth." zane said.

"you're right." i sighed and slumped my shoulders. "ever since i slept jc the first time and messed things up with david i haven't known what to do. i started casually hooking up with jc but he actually wants to start dating even though i'm not ready for it. he's always been such an important person in my life and i hated how david wanted me to cut him off and not see him, so in an upset state of mind i had sex with him. it wasn't my first intention it just kind of happened. i hate that i did that to david, but i also really like jc, i mean we've liked each other for years it's hard to not kiss him after all these years." i sighed.

"but do you still like david?" heath asked.

"of course i do." i frowned.

"then why are you still hooking up with jc?" zane looked at me with a confused face.

"because david said he couldn't even look at me when i told him." i sighed.

"he went to your apartment with liza yesterday, what do you mean?" zane said with the same facial expression.

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