28. let her talk

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monday, december 4, 2017

"i love you." i said quietly as david and i layed on my bed. i was tracing circles on his bare chest and he was rubbing my back.

"i love you." he hummed and pulled me closer to him.

"i'm sorry i put you through so much." i sighed and rested my head on his chest so that i was able to look up at him.

"the past is the past, we're starting fresh okay?" he gave me a small smile. i nodded and moved into a straddling position.

"thank you." i smiled and leaned down to give him a small kiss.

"for what? i did nothing." he chuckled and placed his hands on my hips.

"for understanding, for forgiving me and coming home with me, for last night." i blushed at the end and placed my hands on his chest.

"last night was awesome." he grinned and moved his hands up and down my thighs and sides.

"mhmm." i blushed and leaned down for another kiss.

"we're going to the guys today." he said in between kisses. "they called everyone and we're all meeting back at their place. no filming or anything either." he said.

"alright." i nodded and pulled away. "i'll start getting ready." i smiled and hopped off my bed. david watched my every move as i made my way around the room to pick out and outfit. "what?" i blushed and turned to face him.

"i love you." he smiled and got off the bed himself.

"i love you." i said again and gave him another kiss before making my way to the bathroom. "care to join?" i asked as i turned on the water. david grinned happily and walked into the restroom with me.


"are you ready?" i asked david as i grabbed my bag from the table by the door.

"yup." david smiled and put on his hat.

"let's go." i smiled and we walked hand in hand to my car since david left his at the guys.

"jason said that everyone's there already." david spoke up. i sighed and gripped onto his hand a bit tighter. "you okay?" he asked and looked at me from the passenger seat.

"nervous." i shrugged and made a turn onto the guys street.

"they'll understand." david gave me a reassuring smile.

"and if they don't?" i asked as we pulled up in front of the house.

"they will." he smiled and leaned over the console to give me a kiss.

"thank you." i sighed.

"anything for you." he smiled and gave me another peck.

"let's go." i pulled away and exited the car. david and i met up in front of the car and walked hand in hand to the front door. david opened the door and we walked into the house full of all my best friends. they were all scattered around the living room most of them sitting on the couch.

"ellie." zane was the first to notice me. he caught everyone's attention and they all looked at me.

"i'm so sorry." was the first thing i said and i tried my best not to cry. david tightened his grip on my hand to reassure me that everything was going to be okay.

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