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Liked by Jacenorman, Willowhunt and 264,743 othersThesydpeters: summer time☀️

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Liked by Jacenorman, Willowhunt and 264,743 others
Thesydpeters: summer time☀️

View all 643 comments

Username: she's so hot

Username1: so cute

Username2: i love her

Username3: can I be her pls

Username4: her butt looks so good

Alexpeters: pic credsssssssss

Willowhunt: you look super gorgeous

Username5: bff goals^^

Username6: why is she so cute!

Username7: still wondering how Jace and her met.

Username8: username7 same

Thesydpeters: I love you💕 Willowhunt

Thesydpeters: actually it was mom alexpeters

Jacenorman: username7 she was such a huge fan of mine and fangirled so hard that she met me. And somehow I ended up becoming friends with her

Username7: holy shit Jace answered me!!!!!!! ToTALLY NOT FREAKING OUT

Username9: tbh I think it was the other way around

Thesydpeters: jacenorman stop lying. We all know that you were the one fangirling

Jacenorman: it's called fanboying get it right

Username10: oh I'm living

Username11: he didn't deny it

Jacenorman: but I wasn't fanboying over you I saw you and I recognized you

Thesydpeters: jacenorman keeeeeeep telling yourself that bud

Jacenorman: IM NOT LYING!

Username12: my Jaydney heart rn

Username13: Jace won't admit he was fangirling over Sydney

Thesydpeters: calm yourself buddy. I was kiddinggggggg jacenorman

Jacenorman: I believe you but apart of me says I shouldn't

Willowhunt: oh would y'all just date already for real

Username14: yesssss Amanda

Laurenfeilds: agree!!!! DATE

Username14: Willow too! Life is great

Thesydpeters: what's this dating thing you say willowhunt  laurenfeilds

Jacenorman: I agree with Syd what is dating willowhunt Laurenfeilds

Willowhunt: y'all are annoying

Laurenfeilds: and stupid

Username15: today is a great day

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