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Liked by nleenorman, Jacenorman and 386,057 othersThesydpeters: Jace says he's trying to listen to the baby's heartbeat

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Liked by nleenorman, Jacenorman and 386,057 others
Thesydpeters: Jace says he's trying to listen to the baby's heartbeat. Then he talks to the baby and the baby starts kicking like crazy
Tagged: Jacenorman

View all 3,019 comments

Username: this is so cute

Username1: still don't know the gender

Username2: so cute

Username3: they are going to make great parents

Username4: 😍😍😍

Nleenorman: can't wait to meet my grand baby

Username5: how far a long is she

Username6: username5 like 5 or 6 months I think. Don't quote me.

Willowhunt: am I the god mother because you still haven't told me or Lauren

Laurenfeilds: ^^^^^^^

Thesydpeters: Willowhunt Laurenfeilds ya'll are aunts still figuring out the god parents

Willowhunt: I'm happy with aunt

Laurenfeilds: aunt it good

Username7: #babyjaydeny

Jacenorman: all I could hear was the sound of your stomach digesting or something

Thesydpeters: Jacenorman I know I told you you wouldn't be able to hear it

Jacenorman: shhhhhhhhhhh

Username8: I love them together

Username9: they are so funny

Alexpeters: can I be the fun uncle?

Thesydpeters: alexpeters sure just don't be a creepy uncle

Alexpeters: never that's gross

Username10: actual goals

Username11: can we know the gender

Thesydpeters: username11 when it's born🤷‍♀️
I'm doing math hw but it's just watching a video and filling out notes so I'm not even paying attention.

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