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W/ Baby Daddy😍

Baby Daddy😍:
Hello my beautiful girl

Mama Bear😍:
What do you want

Baby Daddy😍:
Nothing I just thought is was better than just saying 'Hi' you know

Mama Bear😍:
I mean
Yeah it is

Baby Daddy😍:
How's you and Logan

Mama Bear😍:
Oh look at this picture

Mama Bear😍:GreatOh look at this picture

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Isn't he the cutest

Baby Daddy😍:
Look at that belly
Chunky little guy

Mama Bear😍:
Did you ever think you would be saying that

Baby Daddy😍:
I mean not at 20
Definitely at 30
But now I don't mind

Mama Bear😍:
When will you be home

Baby Daddy😍:
But it will be late my flight is at 6:30pm

Mama Bear😍:
Okay what time do I need to pick you up

Baby Daddy😍:
No I'll get an Uber.
I'll be getting in when it's Logan's bed time

Mama Bear😍:
Are you sure

Baby Daddy😍:
Yes I'm sure baby
Hey but I have to get back to set
I love you❤️

Mama Bear😍:
I love you too❤️❤️
Oooo wait
I have another cute picture

Baby Daddy😍:Awwww But I really have to go filmI love youGive Logan a kiss and hugs for me please

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Baby Daddy😍:
But I really have to go film
I love you
Give Logan a kiss and hugs for me please

Mama Bear😍:
Will do

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