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Liked by Jacenorman, Willowhunt and 445,698 othersThesydpeters: we will run down the streets with stars in our eyesTagged: jacenorman

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Liked by Jacenorman, Willowhunt and 445,698 others
Thesydpeters: we will run down the streets with stars in our eyes
Tagged: jacenorman

View all 2,645 comments

Username: um what

Username1: what's happening

Username2: is Jaydeny finally happening

Username3: JAYDENY!!!!

Username4: it's happening it's really happening

Willowhunt: so that's why you couldn't hang out

Username5: exposed?

Thesydpeters: Willowhunt hey you were the one that said I should go over soooooo

Username6: what happened today

Username7: my ship is sailing

Laurenfeilds: date??

Thesydpeters: Laurenfeilds no

Username8: what^^^^

Username9: um then what's up with this picture Sydney

Username10: follow me please!!

Hater: why would Jace date her anyways

Jacenorman: 🖤

Username11: now I'm confused

Username12: I need to know what the fuck is going on

Username13: I'm stressing

Alexpeters: Jacenorman text me both of you right now

Thesydpeters: Jacenorman 🖤

Group chat w/ Brother Alex and Jacey🖤

Brother Alex:
What the fuck is going on with you 2 tell me right now

We kissed
Well I kissed him
Don't hurt him I like him a lot

Yeah she made the first move
And nothing went farther than kissing
I promise on my families graves

Brother Alex:
I'm not going to hurt you Jace I just want to know what was going on
But if you hurt her I will hurt you

Note taken
Btw we aren't dating yet just like talking I guess idk

Yeah we are just waiting till our schedules slow down a bit

Brother Alex:
Okay just be safe if you do go father than kissing and don't hurt her Jace she's my baby sister

Wouldn't try to
Just going to say this now I love Alex he's so funny. Yes and I'm trying to make his act like an overprotective big brother but he's fails at it lol that's why I like him so much.

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