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Real Life

Sydney has just gotten Logan up from a nap and is now feeding him as Jace walks in the door

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Sydney has just gotten Logan up from a nap and is now feeding him as Jace walks in the door.

"Well I turned up at a great moment" he says and sits next to Sydney in the bed

"Shut up you dummy" Sydney says

"So how's life"

"You see me everyday"

"Yeah but we haven't had a good conversation in a while"

Sydney lays her head in his shoulder and sighs. Jace wraps and arm around her and pulls her closer.

"What's wring babe" Jace ask

"After you went back to work after having Logan we are more distance and I hate it. I love you so much but I spend all my time with Logan and none with you"

"Babe his still a little baby that can't do anything for himself you feed him and change him and I help with the changing part but you do a lot and it's a good thing"

"I just love you and can't wait to marry you"

"I love you too and I thought we were waiting"

"We are but I still can't wait"

Logan stops eating and Sydney hands him to Jace. He starts to making funny faces at him making him smile. Sydney smiles at the two. Sydney lays her head on Jace's shoulder and the couple looks at their son. Their baby boy.

Logan's eyes look at Jace and every time Jace makes and face a big smile goes on his face making Jace and Sydney laugh.

Sydney leans over and kisses Jace check Jace looks over and smiles at her and kisses her.


Liked by Jacenorman, nleenorman, and 757,428 othersThesydpeters: very thankful for this man to be in my life and to be the father of my son and my future husband

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Liked by Jacenorman, nleenorman, and 757,428 others
Thesydpeters: very thankful for this man to be in my life and to be the father of my son and my future husband. I love you so much💕💕
Tagged: thesydpeters

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Jacenorman: I love you so much more❤️❤️❤️
I'm so tired

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