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W/ My Jacey🖤

My Girl💕:
Hey can you come over??

My Jacey🖤:
Yeah I'll be over in 10

Real Life

After Sydney texted Jace she waits for him on the couch. The test she took only 20 minutes ago is on the coffee table. She stares at it she has a growing human inside of her. She's scared but kinda if excited but the scared part is over riding her excited part.

Alex is in the kitchen making food for her. He loves his sister and wants the best for her and he knows she keeping the baby no matter what. He sets down the plate of cheese and crackers. Sydney smiles up at him.

"Thank you" She says

"Anytime" Alex says

She eats the cheese and crackers til Jace walks in. She stands up and hugs him. Sydney hugs him for a couple minutes. She grabs his hand and takes him to the couch. She looks over at Alex and he leaves the room.

"What's up Syd" Jace says

Sydney doesn't say anything just grabs the test from the table and hands it to Jace. He looks at it and his eyes widen.

"Your pregnant" he says

"Yeah I am" Sydney says

"Oh wow are we keeping it"

"I want to do you"

"I want whatever you want"

Jace pulls her into a hug and kisses her head.

"I love you Syd so much"

"I love you too Jace"
Just gonna say that this is around February so baby due in November even though it's not real life lol

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