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Real Life

Sydney and Jace are getting ready for Logan's first birthday

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Sydney and Jace are getting ready for Logan's first birthday. Logan is being fussy so Jace is holding him while Sydney tries to get everything ready but Logan wants his mom.

"Syd take him and I'll finish it" Jace says rubbing Logan's back as he cries into his shoulder.

"Jace I have to get this done you know that this is important it's our sins first birthday" Sydney says

"But he won't remember it"

Sydney stops what she's doing and walks over to Jace and holds out her arms for Jace to hand over Logan. Logan reaches out for his mom and Jace hands him over and finishes what Sydney was doing. Of course Sydney keep telling Jace what to do but he didn't mind.

Logan has fallen asleep in Sydney's arms. Thankfully it's his nap time and her and Jace aren't surprise that he's asleep from all the crying he did. Sydney places him in his crib and goes and sits on the couch with Jace.

"How crazy is it that we become parents a year ago" Sydney says

"Crazy but a good crazy" Jace says

Sydney looks up at Jace and smiles Jace smiles down at her and kisses her.

"I really want another one you know" Sydney says

"I thought we talked about waiting till after we get married" Jace says

"I know but we could get pregnant before we get married"

"Let's see, we get married in may and I'm okay with that"

Jace kisses Sydney again and then they hear Logan waking up. They pull away and get up and go into Logan's room where he is standing up holding onto the sides and is crying.

"Hey baby boy" Sydney says and lifts him out of the crib.

Logan buries his face in Sydney's shoulder. The crying stoped. Sydney brings him into the living room and sets him on the ground. Logan goes and crawls to get one of his toys. Sydney starts to set out all the food for the party.

Jace is laying on the floor letting Logan crawl on him. Jace lifts him up and acts like he's an airplane. Sydney looks over at them hearing Logan's laugh. She smiles at them and goes back to what she's doing.

People start arriving soon and pass around Logan. Sydney and Jace stay in the kitchen and chat with people till they get handed their son back. By then it was time for cake.

Logan ends up with cake all over his face and Sydney and Jace took lots of pictures because it was cute. Everyone left after that and Jace and Sydney but Logan in the bath and get him ready for bed.

"Wanna make another baby" Jace ask

"We can do the thing to make another baby but not actually make it"

Happy new year!!! Double update today bc why the fuck not

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