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Liked by Jacenorman, alexpeters and 786,552 othersThesydpeters: where did the time go

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Liked by Jacenorman, alexpeters and 786,552 others
Thesydpeters: where did the time go. He's already six months I'm crying just ask Jace I cried this morning

View all 7,553 comments

Jacenorman: it's true she did cry then Logan started crying and yeah

Username: so cute

Alexpeters: that's so crazy you grew up so fast Syd I'm very proud I you❤️

Thesydpeters: alexpeters thank you Alex❤️❤️

Username1: awwww

Willowhunt: growing up so fast

Laurenfeilds: feels like we were just in the hospital waiting for him to get here

Username2: Sydney has such great friends

Nleenorman: so cute!!

Username3: Love!!

Real Life

"Hey Syd" Jace says

"Yeah what's up" She answers

"You know how you said you want Logan to be at least 18 months when we get married"

"Yeah what about that"

"Well he's 6 months so I'm a year he'll be 18 months so should we start planing the wedding"

"Yeah but I want it to be after my birthday"


Sydney looks down at the baby on her hip who is smiling at Jace because he's making silly faces at him. Sydney smiles and hands the baby over to Jace. Jace holds him up and kisses him on his face then makes faces at him making him laugh.

Sydney loves her little family and can't wait to grow it even more. More into the future.
I really doesn't feel like a Monday wtf

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