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Liked by Jacenorman, Laurenfeilds and 800,005 othersThesydpeters: my little pumpkin❤️

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Liked by Jacenorman, Laurenfeilds and 800,005 others
Thesydpeters: my little pumpkin❤️

View all 7,906 comments

Username: awwww

Username1: why is he eating the pumpkin

Nleenorman: oh my god he's getting so big!!

Username2: cutie

Jacenorman: I love him and you

Thesydpeters: Jacenorman I love him and you too

Username3: I need a relationship like theirs

Laurenfeilds: why does he have a pumpkin in his mouth

Thesydpeters: Laurenfeilds he thought it would taste yummy it doesn't

Laurenfeilds: sounds like Jace

Jacenorman: Laurenfeilds that's so funny I forgot to laugh

Laurenfeilds: Jacenorman thats old

Jacenorman: Laurenfeilds I don't care

Liked by thesydpeters, Willowhunt and 800,003 othersJacenorman: chillin like a villain😎

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Liked by thesydpeters, Willowhunt and 800,003 others
Jacenorman: chillin like a villain😎

View all 7,899 comments

Username: cute

Username1: follow me!

Thesydpeters: that's such a dad caption

Jacenorman: thesydpeters Yeah I realized that

Thesydpeters: it's cute though

Jacenorman: thesydpeters your cute

Username2: goals

Username3: how cute

Username4: they made such a cute baby

Username5: 😍😍😍

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