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Liked by thesydpeters, nleenorman, and 829,471 othersJacenorman: Happy first birthday to this baby boy

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Liked by thesydpeters, nleenorman, and 829,471 others
Jacenorman: Happy first birthday to this baby boy. Even though you won't see this I want you to know how much me and your mom love you and we are so happy you are in our life❤️ Can't believe you're one what the hell

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Username: wow he's one already

Username1: awwww

Username2: Happy Birthday Logan!!!

Nleenorman: my grand baby is a year old!!!❤️❤️

Thesydpeters: now you've made me cry even more

Liked by Jacenorman, alexpeters and 330,075 othersThesydpeters: 365 days you have been alive

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Liked by Jacenorman, alexpeters and 330,075 others
Thesydpeters: 365 days you have been alive. 365 days ago you came into our lives. 365 days ago I meet you and fell in love with your little face. 365 days ago i became a mother to you. 365 days that I have loved you more than anyone. Happy Birthday my baby boy. You are the thing that makes me the happiest and being with your dad. I can't wait to see what you become. I love you so much Logan Chase❤️❤️

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Username: cute

Username1: happy Birthday!!!!

Jacenorman: how much are you crying now

Thesydpeters: Jacenorman shut up

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