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Real Life

Sydney's scared

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Sydney's scared. She scared of being a bad mom she's scared that something will happening to her and/or the baby she's so scared. Jace holds her hand the whole time.

"Why does this hurt so much" Sydney ask really to no one

"I don't know honey I wondered the same thing" Her mom tells her and pushes the hair off her forehead

Jace squeezes her hand and kisses it. Jace doesn't know how to help and doesn't want to ask but he also knows just being by the bed holding her hand is enough help.

A little while later they give Sydney the epidural and she feels so much better. The pain slowly eases but once it's in full effect she actually takes a nap. Jace sits next to the bed looking and Sydney till he mom speaks up

"What's on your mind Jace" She ask

"A lot"

"Like what talk to me please"

"I love Sydney and I love our baby and I'm afraid that I will screw up"

"Jace I'm not going to lie you will screw up its a part of parenthood. But you will learn from them and become an amazing dad to your boy and give him the best life you can"

"Thanks Emily"

"Anytime Jace"

In the next 2 hours Sydney was really to start pushing. She grips onto Her mom and Jace's hand. Jace swears if she squeezed any harder she would've broken his hand.

When Sydney and Jace hear the cries of their baby boy tears fall down their faces. The doctors lay their boy on Sydney's chest and Jace brushes her hair off Her sweaty forehead and kisses it.

"I'm so proud of you"


Liked by Jacenorman, alexpeters and 409,542 othersThesydpeters: today me and Jace welcomed our sweet baby boy to the world and we are more than happy than ever to have him here❤️❤️😍Tagged: Jacenorman

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Liked by Jacenorman, alexpeters and 409,542 others
Thesydpeters: today me and Jace welcomed our sweet baby boy to the world and we are more than happy than ever to have him here❤️❤️😍
Tagged: Jacenorman

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Username: ITS A BOY

Username1: OMG HES SO CUTE!!


Liked by thesydpeters, xandernorman and 345,447 othersJacenorman: Logan Chase Norman

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Liked by thesydpeters, xandernorman and 345,447 others
Jacenorman: Logan Chase Norman. Born November 13th 2019 at 3:56pm. 7 lbs 6 oz. Me and Sydney are very much in love with him and will not be on Social Media for a little while so we can get used to having a baby around❤️
Tagged: thesydpeters

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I couldn't decide on Chase Logan or Logan Chase so I kept saying them and i obviously like Logan Chase more and Emily is Sydney's mom just so you know

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