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W/ Jacey🖤

My Girl💕:

My Jacey🖤:

My Girl💕:
I think you're cute

My Jacey🖤:
I think you're cute too babe
But is there something else
Because I feel like there is something else

My Girl💕:
I just love you so much

My Jacey🖤:

My Girl💕:
Ok ok
I'm really bored
And I'm home alone
And can you come over please
And the home alone part makes it sound like I want to have sex with you I don't
Well I do but not right now
Okay I'm going to stop rambling now

My Jacey🖤:
See I knew there was something else
And I'll be over in 30 minutes I have to clean my room
My mom will yell at me if I don't

My Girl💕:
Okay Jacey I love you

My Jacey🖤:
I love you too



Liked by thesydpeters, Laurenfeilds and 206,009 othersJacenorman: my favorite girl❤️Tagged: thesydpeters

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Liked by thesydpeters, Laurenfeilds and 206,009 others
Jacenorman: my favorite girl❤️
Tagged: thesydpeters

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Username: so cute

Username1: parents

Username2: my fav couple

Username3: cuties

Username4: otp

Liked by Jacenorman, alexpeters and 306,773 othersThesydpeters: my boy❤️Tagged: Jacenorman

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Liked by Jacenorman, alexpeters and 306,773 others
Thesydpeters: my boy❤️
Tagged: Jacenorman

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Username5: they are literally the cutest I can't even
Sorry the chapters are really short idk what to write and i want to update everyday for y'all

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