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Real Life

Sydney and Jace have told their parents that she's pregnant and they aren't to happy about them not being careful but are overall happy

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Sydney and Jace have told their parents that she's pregnant and they aren't to happy about them not being careful but are overall happy. Now it's time to tell Willow and Lauren. She hopes they will be happy but Sydney honestly has no clue.

Sydney is leaning against Jace on her couch waiting for Willow and Lauren to get her house.

"What do you think they will say" Sydney asks

"I don't know I think they would be happy for us" Jace says

"Yeah me too and we need to schedule a doctors appointment for me my mom said she could call hers i mean she just had Ryder 2 years ago"

"Isn't he or she in Arizona"

"No she has one her in LA for when she was with me"

"Okay I think it's a good idea"

"You know at first I was scared at the thought of having a baby at 18 but now I'm excited"

"Me too baby"

Willow and Lauren knock them walk in and smile.

"I thought it was going to be just us" Lauren says

"Oh yeah i forgot to tell you that he's here sorry but sit down please" Sydney says

"Okay What is it" Willow says

"Well um you know how me and Jace have had sex multiple times well we kind of forgot something the last time we did and I'm Pregnant"

They both looked shocked then happy.

"Wasn't expecting that but I'm happy for the both of you" Willow says

Willow and Lauren hug Sydney and Jace. They talk about what gender they want the baby to me and names and such. Sydney and Jace are both very happy that everyone is happy with the baby till they tell their fans that's a bit rocky.
I don't know how to make theses real Life chapters longer so sorry they are short

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