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Real Life

It's a lazy day for Sydney and Jace

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It's a lazy day for Sydney and Jace. They have been busy with Jace finishing a movie and Sydney working on her new clothing range they both decided to have a day off and spend time with their son at home.

They are sitting on the couch with Logan walking around the table holding onto the table. The he falls into his butt and crawls to go get something.

"You know what's crazy" Jace says

"What" Sydney says

"That we almost have a 1 year old son"

"Yeah That is weird and we can't even drink yet"

"Yeah but I love you and him so it's all worth it"


Jace leans down and kisses Sydney on her lips. Sydney smiles and kisses him back. Logan makes a loud screaming noise telling his parents that he wants attention.

"How do you want Little man" Jace says and picks up Logan

Logan laughs. Jace sits him on his lap and has him face Sydney. He gives his mom and big smile. Sydney tickles him a little making him let out a laugh.

Sydney takes Logan from Jace and kisses all over his face. She makes faces at him.

"How did we get so lucky with this little boy" Sydney says

"I don't know babe but we got super lucky" Jace tells her.

They look at the baby in Sydney's lap who is almost a year old. The little human they have loved since they found out they were having him.

Logan rest his head in Sydney's shoulder telling her that he is tired. Sydney stands up and lays him down in his crib. She kisses his head and walks back out and cuddles with Jace on the couch and they take a nap till they get woken up my Logan.

"You know that was a nice nap while it lasted" Jace says

"It was" Sydney says

They get up and go into Logan's room he was crying but when he sees his parents the tears stop and he starts smiling.

"How do you go from crying you're little eyes out to smiling in 2 seconds" Sydney says as she picks him up out of his crib.

"He's a baby who knows why" Jace says

"He does"

Jace rolls his eyes at her. They walk out into the living room and turn on one of Logan's tv shows he likes and sits on Jace's lap with some snacks.

Sydney starts to make dinner. She puts the chicken in the oven and goes into the living room to She her boys on the couch watching TV.

"You two are cute" Sydney says

"It's all him babe" Jace says

"Well he looks like you so"

"He looks like you"

"Well I mean I would hope he looks like the both of us"

"Be quiet"

Sydney laughs and kisses Jace's cheek. She watches Tv with the till the timer goes off telling her dinner is ready. She sets out places for her and Jace and cuts up some for Logan.

They eat then put Logan to bed and go to bed themselves.

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