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Liked by Willowhunt, Laurenfeilds and 368,899 othersThesydpeters: #babynorman almost here!! Any day now😁😁😁Tagged: Jacenorman

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Liked by Willowhunt, Laurenfeilds and 368,899 others
Thesydpeters: #babynorman almost here!! Any day now😁😁😁
Tagged: Jacenorman

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Username: OMG

Username1: haha I love how it's November but they are already getting ready for Christmas

Username2: I really think It's a girl

Username3: I think it's a boy

Username4: let's just take a moment that Jace and Sydney are almost parents

Real Life

Jace and Sydney are laying in their couch like they have been for the past 2 weeks because they don't know when Sydney will go into labor.

"We still haven't picked a name" Jace says

"How about when he's born and see what he looks like because we could pick one name but he's nothing like that you know what I mean" Sydney says

"Yeah I do"

Jace kisses her head and lays his hand in her stomach feeling their little boy kick. Sydney leans back against Jace and gets a sharp pain in her stomach and back. Jace notices this and gets worried.

"Syd are you okay" he ask

"I don't know"

"Are you about to have the baby"

"Well it feels like that my mom told me it would so I think so"

"Okay stay there I'll get the stuff and take you to that car call your mom"

Jace rushes into their room to grab her hospital bag. Sydney calls her mom and she will meet them at the hospital.

"Jace this I really happening"

"Yeah baby it is"
Sorry it's so late

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