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Liked by Jacenorman, Laurenfeilds and 355,771 othersThesydpeters: idk why he's wearing a jacket when it's hotter than hell out but he's cute😍🖤Tagged: Jacenorman

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Liked by Jacenorman, Laurenfeilds and 355,771 others
Thesydpeters: idk why he's wearing a jacket when it's hotter than hell out but he's cute😍🖤
Tagged: Jacenorman

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Username: my parents

Username1: 😍😍😍😍

Username2: I love Jace and Sydney but can Syd post more if her friends than her bf is kinda getting old

Jacenorman: your cuter😍

Username3: username2 agree

Username4: goals

Hater: I just think Jace deserves someone way better than Sydney

Hater1: Sydney isn't even pretty

Hater2: Jace has taken a major step down from Bela

Hater3: I want Jaceabela back

Username5: Jaceabela isn't coming back deal with it Jace is with and Happy with Sydney

Username6: Jaydeny is goals


Real Life

Sydney puts her phone face down on Jace's bed after she reads through the comments on her most recent post. Yes she post about Jace a lot but she loves him and she's trying not to care what people are saying to her but she can't help it. Everyone does even if they say they don't.

Tears slips out of her eyes as Jace walks back into the room from being in the bathroom. He sees her face and goes over to her.

"Syd what's wrong" he says and wraps his arms around the girl. His girl.

"I can't help but let what people say affect me" the girl cries into her boyfriend's chest.

Jace just holds her in his arms. She knows she does this and knows she hates herself for that and there's nothing that Jace can do to stop her from thinking that way.

"Sydney they are just jealous of you because you are with me and they want to be with me you are beautiful and not a step down from Bela. If anything you are 10 steps up. I love you Syd" Jace says

"I love you too" Sydney says and life's her head up to kiss Jace.

"Now post another picture of us and tell them off"


She gives her boyfriend another kiss before picking up her phone to post another picture.



Liked by Willowhunt, Jacenorman and 377,935 othersThesydpeters: to all the people who say I post to much about my boyfriend

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Liked by Willowhunt, Jacenorman and 377,935 others
Thesydpeters: to all the people who say I post to much about my boyfriend. This is my instagram account my life and I can post what ever the hell I want to post.
So please if you don't like that I post a lot of my boyfriend then please leave. Thank you❤️
Tagged: Jacenorman

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Real shitty manips

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